Submissions from 2023
The Way of Academic Writing: Reflections of a Traveller, David Starr-Glass and Dianne Conrad (Book Chapter)
Identifying Significant Shifts in Operating Environments: The Role of Corporate Governance, David Starr-Glass, Carolina Machado, and João Paulo Davim (Book Chapter)
Submissions from 2022
Be Your Own Commander in Chief Volume 1: Body, Yuri Kruman (Book)
Be Your Own Commander in Chief Volume 2: Mind, Yuri Kruman (Book)
Be Your Own Commander in Chief Volume 3: Others, Yuri Kruman (Book)
Be Your Own Commander In Chief Volume 4: G-d/Universe, Yuri Kruman (Book)
Bat Ayin, Yisrael M. Mendelovits and Mordechai Gerson (Book)
The Multivariate Richness of Prior Learning Assessment: Reflections on a Case Study, David Starr-Glass (Article)
Purposefully-Designed and Mindfully-Facilitated Online Courses, David Starr-Glass, Gürhan Durak, and Serkan Çankaya (Book Chapter)
Submissions from 2021
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, National Culture, and Online Instruction: Leading to Learning, David Starr-Glass (Book Chapter)
Kindling Research Interest in Undergraduate Business Students: Beyond Superficial Pragmatism, David Starr-Glass (Book Chapter)
The Pedagogic Possibilities of Student-Generated Case Studies: Moving Through the Looking Glass, David Starr-Glass (Book Chapter)
Utilizing Learner Knowledge in Cross-Culture Management Education: Beneath the Visible Teaching Pyramid, David Starr-Glass (Book Chapter)
Moving From Passive to Active Blended Learning: An Adopter's Experience, David Starr-Glass, Brenda Cecilia Padilla Rodriguez, and Alejandro Armellini (Book Chapter)
Submissions from 2020
Encouraging engagement: video-conference augmentation of online distance learning environments, David Starr-Glass (Article)
On the Threshold of Mentoring, David Starr-Glass (Book Chapter)
Significant learning experiences and implied students, David Starr-Glass (Article)
Openness and Open Practice in Mentoring: Moving beyond Strong Dyadic Linkages?, David Starr-Glass, Dianne Conrad, and Paul Prinsloo (Book Chapter)
Embedding Corporate Sustainability in Human Resource Management Practice, David Starr-Glass, Carolina Feliciana Machado, and J. Paulo Davim (Book Chapter)
Intercultural Awareness and Short-Term Study Abroad Programs: An Invitation to Liminality, David Starr-Glass and Donna M. Velliaris (Book Chapter)
Submissions from 2019
Doing and being: Future graduates, careers and Industry 4.0, David Starr-Glass (Article)
Seeing international students as students: Changing institutional classification, identity, and stereotype, David Starr-Glass and Krishna Bista (Book Chapter)
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, National Culture, and Online Instruction: Leading to Learning, David Starr-Glass and Lydia Kyei-Blankson (Book Chapter)
The Culture of Management and the Management of Culture: An Introduction, David Starr-Glass, Carolina Machado, and J. Paulo Davim (Book Chapter)
Bricolage: Excursions Into Transdisciplinary Territory, David Starr-Glass and Victor X. Wang (Book Chapter)
Engagement, Publishing, and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Reconsidering the Reconsidered, David Starr-Glass and Victor X. Wang (Book Chapter)
Prenatal Identification of Autism Propensity, Gary Steinman (Article)
IGF - Autism Prevention/Amelioration, Gary D. Steinman (Article)
Mechanisms of Twinning: XI. Do Mothers of Twins Have Higher IQs? The IGF Connection, Gary D. Steinman (Article)
Prenatal identification of autism propensity, Gary D. Steinman (Article)
Submissions from 2018
Drug Contamination of U.S. Paper Currency and Forensic Relevance of Canine Alert to Paper Currency: A Critical Review of the Scientific Literature, Jay M. Poupko, William L. Hearn, and Frederico Rossano (Article)
IGF – Autism Prevention/Amelioration, Gary Steinman (Article)