
Volume XI: Uncharted Territories

Note From The Editors:

For over a decade, Quill and Scope has been the creative voice of the New York Medical College student community. We want to start by thanking our student and faculty readership over these many years. Without support from the library staff, administration, and dedicated student contributors, Quill and Scope would not be what it is today. Every year, we as editors are #blessed to come across such talent and creativity. Even as our community grows larger, with the addition of the College of Dental Medicine, we hope Quill and Scope continues to bring a sense of family and unity to the various student populations. In this issue, we invite you to join us into Uncharted Territories. Whether it may be reaching for a test tube, or reaching for your textbook at 1 a.m. in the library, not knowing or understanding should never be your breaking point. Instead, we hope this issue serves to remind us all that these experiences are catalysts for exploring the unknown. We all have the capacity within us to make contributions -- no matter how big or small -- to medicine, research, and human knowledge in general. The first step is always the hardest. To the Class of 2019, we hope as your chapter at New York Medical College comes to a close, your new chapter will open to an exciting, far off destination, with many questions waiting to be answered.