The Science Journal of the Lander College of Arts and Sciences
Volume 17, Number 1: Fall 2023
Full Issue
Epinephrine and Cardiac Arrest: The Catch-22
Shaina Friedman
Epilepsy and Treatment Resistance
Eva Kowalsky
The Impact of Gestational Diabetes on the Offspring
Deborah Daniel
Effects of Microdosing with Psilocybin Mushrooms
Chavivah Davis
Stroke Recovery
Laya Brodie
The Effects of Nausea and Vomiting on Mother and Child
Mayane Bensoussan
Immunosuppression after Cardiac Transplantation: What is the Best Approach?
Sara Batya Friedman
What Is The Best Treatment For Osteoporosis?
Joshua Sodden
Do the Benefits of Growth Hormone Outweigh the Risks?
Michael D. Goodstein

Editors and Advisors
- Executive Editors
- Benjamin Berkowitz
- Miriam (Levy) Blatner
- Eva Kowalsky
- Associate Editors
- Rina Balter
- Sara Fishman
- Shira Hatanian
- Baila Klahr
- Tzvi Rimler
- Chana Zeitlin
- Charter Executive Editors
- Rivka Borger, P.A.
- Michelle Gordon-Grunin, Ph. D.
- Faculty Reviewers
- Robert S. Bressler, Ph.D.
- Alan B. Levine, D.C.
- Layout Advisor and Editor
- Antony O’Hara, MFA
- Faculty Advisor
- Robert S. Bressler, Ph.D., Chairman of Undergraduate Biology Programs