
Submissions from 2015


Don't Put the Cart Before the Horse: Implementation of Mental Health Programs in Schools, Rosemary Flanagan (Book Review)


Professional Issues in Cognitive and Behavioral Practice for School Psychologists, Rosemary Flanagan (Book Chapter)


Cognitive and Behavioral Interventions in the Schools: Integrating Theory and Research into Practice, Rosemary Flanagan, Korrie Allen, and Eva Levine (Book)


Technology and Media for Character Development and Career Readiness: The S.T.E.A.M-based A.C.H.I.E.V.E. Model, Jeffrey Gardere, Dan Sharir, and Yair Maman (Article)


Expanding Roles, Expanding Impact: Supporting Work Readiness in Middle School, Jan Hollenbeck, Meira Orentlicher, and Dottie Handley-More (Article)


Treating the Cognitive and Social Dysfunctions Related to Type 2 Diabetes, Joseph Indelicato (Abstract)


Traumatic Brain Injury and Grief: Considerations and Practical Strategies for School Psychologists, Paul B. Jantz, Victoria Comerchero, Angela I. Canto, and Eric Pierson (Article)

Effects of Fluency Disorders Coursework on Students' Stuttering Attitudes in Two Countries, Lejla Junuzovic-Zunic, Mary E. Weidner, Isabella K. Reichel, Susanne Cook, Kenneth O. St. Louis, and Mercedes B. Ware (Book Chapter)


Integrating Anatomy Training into Radiation Oncology Residency: Considerations for Developing a Multidisciplinary, Interactive Learning Module for Adult Learners, Leah Labranche, Marjorie Johnson, David Palma, Leah D'Souza, and Jasbir Jaswal (Article)


The Relationship Between Motivation, Monetary Compensation, and Data Quality Among US- and India-based Workers on Mechanical Turk, Leib Litman, Jonathan Robinson, and Cheskie Rosenzweig (Article)


Mobile Exercise Apps and Increased Leisure Time Exercise Activity: A Moderated Mediation Analysis of the Role of Self-Efficacy and Barriers, Leib Litman, Zohn Rosen, David Spierer, Sarah Weinberger-Litman, Akiva Goldschein, and Jonathan Robinson (Article)


School and Community Relations for Prosocial Behaviors, Character Building and Academic Achievement, Yair Maman, Dan Sharir, and Jeffrey Gardere (Article)

The Survival Guide for Kids with Physical Disabilities & Challenges, Wendy L. Moss and Susan A. Taddonio (Book)


Pancreas: Do all Roads Lead to Mitochondria?, Amit Mukherji, Omobola Onikoyi, and Vasudeva G. Kamath (Article)


A Comparison of Vocal Parameters in Adult Bilingual Hebrew-English Speakers, Leah Nevo, Chaya Nevo, and Gisele Oliveira (Article)

PTF para Movimento Paradoxal de Pregas Vocais [Speech-Language PTF for Paradoxical Vocal Fold Motion], Gisele Oliveira and Gaetano Fava (Book Chapter)

PTF para Tosse Crônica [PTF for Chronic Cough], Gisele Oliveira and Gaetano Fava (Book Chapter)

Transition in Prevention and Wellness, Linda Olson and Stephanie J. Wong (Book Chapter)

Transition from School to Adult Life, Meira L. Orentlicher (Book Chapter)

Foundations of Transition, Meira L. Orentlicher and Robert W. Gibson (Book Chapter)

Introduction, Meira L. Orentlicher, Robert W. Gibson, and Sandra Schefkind (Book Chapter)

Transitions Across the Lifespan: An Occupational Therapy Approach, Meira L. Orentlicher, Sandra Schefkind, and Robert W. Gibson (Book)

Client-Centered Reasoning: Narratives of People with Mental Illness, Pat J. Precin (Book)

Living Skills Recovery Workbook, Pat J. Precin (Book)

Taking Charge of Your Emotions: A Guide to Better Psychological Health and Well-Being, Louis H. Primavera and Rob Pascale (Book)


Reliability and Validity of Therapy Localization as Determined from Multiple Examiners and Instrumentation, Anthony L. Rosner, Gerry Leisman, James A. Gilchriest, Eugene Charles, Matthew G. Keschner, and Michael Minond (Article)

Supportive Environments for Transition, Judith W. Schoonover and Meira L. Orentlicher (Book Chapter)


Validation of Photoplethysmography as a Method to Detect Heart Rate During Rest and Exercise, David K. Spierer, Zohn Rosen, Leib Litman, and Kenji Fujii (Article)


Lest Old Age Be Wasted on the Old, Arthur P. Sullivan (Article)


Words that Heal: Rapid Results from Cognitive Therapy, Arthur P. Sullivan, Penny Sullivan-Nunes, and Edmundo Nunes (Article)


Technology-based Cognitive-behavioral Therapy in School Settings, Yvette N. Tazeau and Dominick A. Fortugno (Book Chapter)


Descriptive Study of Prescriptions for Opioids from a Suburban Academic Emergency Department before New York's I-STOP Act., Lyncean Ung, Ronald Dvorkin, Steven Sattler, and David P. Yens (Article)

Cluttering: Current Views on its Nature, Diagnosis, and Treatment, Yvonne Van Zaalen and Isabella K. Reichel (Book)


Nowoczesne Podejścia do Terapii Giełkotu [Innovative Approaches to the Treatment of Cluttering], Yvonne Van Zaalen and Isabella K. Reichel (Book Chapter)

Transition and Aging, Stephanie J. Wong (Book Chapter)


The Perceptual and Acoustic Characteristics of Korean Idiomatic and Literal Sentences, Seung-Yun Yang, Ji Sook Ahn, and DIana Van Lancker Sidtis (Article)


Cerebral Processing of Proper and Common Nouns: Perception and Production Following Left Hemisphere Damage, Seung-Yun Yang and Diana Van Lanker Sidtis (Article)


Validity Assessment and the Neurological Physical Examination, Nathan Zasler (Article)

Submissions from 2014


Cognitive Impairment in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Perspectives and Challenges, Okezie I. Aruoma, Darshini Narrain, Joseph Indelicato, Emmanuel Bourdon, Fatima Murad, and Theeshan Bahorun (Article)


A Professor's Experience With Loss: An Autobiographical Case Study, Victoria Comerchero (Article)


Learning Disabilities in Childhood: Demystified and Simplified, Victoria Comerchero (Book Review)


Review of the Book Understanding Abnormal Psychology: Clinical and Biological Perspectives, by P. Ramsden, Victoria Comerchero (Book Review)

Review of the Listening Skills Inventory, Victoria Comerchero (Book Chapter)

Review of the Test of Auditory Processing Skills 3: Spanish-Bilingual Edition, Victoria Comerchero (Book Chapter)


Tell-Me-A-Story (TEMAS) Assessment for Culturally Diverse Children and Adolescents, Giuseppe Costantino, Leib Litman, Richard Waxman, Daniel Dupertuis, Ernesto Pais, Cheskie Rosenzweig, and Guadalupe Forti (Article)


Culturally Oriented Trauma Treatments for Latino Children Post 9/11, Giuseppe Costantino, Louis H. Primavera, Robert G. Malgady, and Erminia Constantino (Article)


Metabolic Factor: A New Clinical Tool in Obesity Diagnosis and Weight Management, Brandon Davis, Joseph Indelicato, and Nicholas Kuiper (Article)

Review of the Inventory of Legal Knowledge, Rosemary Flanagan (Book Chapter)

Review of the Parenting Success Indicator, Rosemary Flanagan (Book Chapter)


The Interplay of Diabetes, and Health Self Efficacy, Cognition and Compliance, Joseph Indelicato and Vanessa Gilchriest (Article)


Efficacy of a Carbon Fiber Orthotic Toe-Off Brace in Adults with Cerebral Palsy, June Kume, John R. Magel, Erin DiCandia, Justine Hoffman, Robert Issing, Joshua Little, and Tyler Roden (Abstract)

Speed of Perceptual Grouping in Acquired Brain Injury, Daniel D. Kurylo, Gabriella Brick Larkin, Richard Waxman, and Farhan Bukhari (Article)


LinkedIn and Recruitment: How Profiles Differ Across Occupations, Julie Zide, Ben Elman, and Comila Shahani-Denning (Article)

Submissions from 2013


Development in Altered Gravity Influences Height in Dictyostelium, Morris A. Benjamin, James A. Gilchriest, and Stanley Lehrer (Article)