Submissions from 2019
Perceptions and Attitudes toward Individuals with a Lisp, Irina Vaynshteyn (Poster)
The Effects of Synthetic Speech Prosody on Auditory Comprehension, Irina Vaynshteyn and Alex Braun (Poster)
Speech Language Pathologists’ Use of Nonspeech Oral Motor Exercises as an Intervention Technique, Irina Vaynshteyn and Rachelle Kirshenbaum (Poster)
Effects of Age of Arrival on Acquisition of Formulaic Expressions in the Second Language, Irina Vaynshteyn and Diana Van Lancker Sidtis (Article)
Case for Improving the Quality of Health Information on Wikipedia, Shira Schecter Weiner, Jill S. Horbacewicz, and Yocheved Bensinger-Brody (Presentation)
Improving the Quality of Consumer Health Information on Wikipedia: Case Series., Shira Schecter Weiner, Jill S. Horbacewicz, Lane Rasberry, and Yocheved Bensinger-Brody (Article)
How Vision Impacts Function: The Role of the OT Practitioner in Identifying and Treating Visual Impairments throughout the Lifespan, Serena S. Zeidler and Carol Chamoff (Presentation)
vercoming Barriers to Forge Leadership Pathways for School-Based Practitioners, Serena S. Zeidler and Jaime Spencer (Presentation)
Submissions from 2018
The Effect of Isolated Attention Training on Motor Performance, Yocheved Bensinger-Brody, Ralph K. Garcia, Baruch Gottlieb, Chaya Green, Joshua Itzkowitz, Sara Schindler, and Eric Wolf (Poster)
Evaluation of a Community-Based Program That Integrates Joyful Movement Into Fall Prevention for Older Adults, Celeste Carlucci, Julie Kardachi, Sara M. Bradley, Jason Prager, Katarzyna Wyka, and Nimali Jayasinghe (Article)
Integration of Social Media in Occupational Therapy Education, Tara Casimano (Presentation)
The Transition From Expert Clinician to Novice Academician: The First Three Years, Beth Chiariello (Presentation)
A Path to Cultural Responsiveness: Orthodox Jewish Female Students in a Non-Traditional Fieldwork Level I Site, Beth Chiariello and Shifra K. Leiser (Presentation)
Continued Competency in the Role of the Fieldwork Educator: An Exploratory Survey, Tara Collins (Presentation)
Exploring Tools to Support the Fieldwork Educator, Tara Collins (Poster)
Exploring Tools to Support the Fieldwork Educator, Tara Collins (Presentation)
Continued Competency in the Role of Fieldwork Educator: An Exploratory Survey, Tara Collins, Pamela Karp, and Kelly Lavin (Poster)
Continued Competency in the Role of Fieldwork Educator: An Exploratory Survey, Tara Collins, Pamela Karp, and Kelly Lavin (Poster)
Occupational Therapy Interventions to Prevent Bullying, Tara Collins, Iris Leigh, and Alexander Lopez (Presentation)
Effects of a Metronome on Gait Symmetry for Individuals with Lower Limb Loss, Frances Corio, Robert Troiano, Kristin Binckes, Andrea Prisco, Sarah Schobben, Sarah Sullivan, and Victoria Torrescano (Abstract)
Designing the Framework for a Health Literacy Workshop Incorporating Elements of the Universal Precautions Toolkit, Virginia Koenig Crippen and Meira L. Orentlicher (Poster)
Do Agentic Female Managers Receive Social Backlash from Workers? An Empirical Study, Ben Elman, Comila Shahani-Denning, Adrien Kollar, and Shai Kopitnikoff (Article)
Do Agentic Female Leaders Receive Social Backlash From Workers? An Empirical Study, Ben Elman, Comila Shahani-Denning, Adrien Kollar, and Shai M. Kopitnikoff (Poster)
The Effects of Manual Compression During the Active Straight Leg Raise as an Indicator of Specific Core Muscle Deficiency, Emil Euaparadorn, Ralph K. Garcia, A. Plysyk, L. Schubert, J. De Los Santos, S. Hirsch, S. Weill, and J. Turcic (Poster)
The Relationship of Ankle Range of Motion and Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults, Ralph K. Garcia, A. Azar, P. Benjamin, C. Evangelista, T. Fried, and Y. Rupp (Poster)
Consulting and Executive Coaching on Future Trends: The Need for a Long Term Vision with Apple and Samsung, Jefferey Gardere, Dan Sharir, and Yair Maman (Article)
An Empirical Examination Comparing the Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment Approach and Psychological Skills Training for the Mental Health and Sport Performance of Female Student Athletes, Mike Gross, Zella E. Moore, Frank L. Gardner, Andrew T. Wolanin, Rachel Pess, and Donald R. Marks (Article)
Effect of Blocked Versus Random Practice on Physical Therapy Students' Manual Force Modulation., Jill S. Horbacewicz (Article)
Factors Affecting Embodiment of Professional Values in Physical Therapy Students, Jill S. Horbacewicz, S. C. Abramsky, S. Feigenbaum, A. Friedman, R. L. Goglas, and S. O'Gara (Presentation)
The Scientist–Practitioner Gap Among Master’s Level I-O Psychology Practitioners: A Text-Analytic Exploration, Sayeedul Islam, Michael H. Chetta, Andrew Martins, Darla van Govan, Andrzej Kozikowski, and Julia Needhammer (Article)
Inclusion of Occupational Therapy in Local Age-Friendly Initiatives, Julie Kardachi (Poster)
Joyful Movement in Community-Based Fall Prevention: A How To, Julie Kardachi and Celeste Carlucci (Presentation)
Empathizing-Systemizing Cognitive Styles: Effects of Sex and Academic Degree, Rachel Kidron, Leon Kaganovskiy, and Simon Baron-Cohen (Article)
The Speech Language Pathologists’ Involvement in the Transition Process of High School Students with Disabilities to Postsecondary Placements: An Inside Perspective into Interdisciplinary Collaboration., Rachelle Kirshenbaum and Irina Vaynshteyn (Presentation)
Designing the Framework for a Health Literacy Workshop Incorporating Elements of the Universal Precautions Toolkit, Virginia Koenig (Presentation)
Health Literacy: Pure and Simple, Virginia Koenig (Article)
Workshop series for occupational therapists using the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s Health Literacy Universal Precautions Toolkit and other supported tools, Virginia Koenig (Article)
Meditation and Mindfulness Peer-Reviewed Literature: Review, June Kume (Article)
Assessment for the Modulation of Pace and Distance in Response to Musical Auditory Cueing During Treadmill Exercise in Healthy Individuals, June Kume, A. DeRemer, M. Helleckson, D. Insardi, X. Liu, K. Melisurgo, and Laura Hagan (Poster)
Exercise Based Intervention for Adults with Parkinson’s Disease to Improve Functional Outcome Measures in Ambulation and Balance, June Kume and Christopher H. Voltmer (Poster)
Remediation of Perceptual Organisation in Schizophrenia, Daniel D. Kurylo, Richard Waxman, Steven M. Silverstein, Batya Weinstein, Jacob Kader, and Ioannis Michalopoulos (Article)
Development and Acceptability Testing of Decision Trees for Self-Management of Prosthetic Socket Fit in Adults with Lower Limb Amputation., Daniel Joseph Lee and Diana A Veneri (Article)
Are Physical Therapists' (PT) Low Back Pain Beliefs (LBPB) Driving Treatment Patterns?, Angela M. Lis, Shira Schecter Weiner, Cheongeun Oh, Mia R. Palazzo, Geraldine L. Pagnotta, and William G. Oswald (Poster)
Racial Disparities in Cleanliness Attitudes Mediate Purchasing Attitudes Toward Cleaning Products: a Serial Mediation Model, Leib Litman, Monnica T. Williams, Zohn Rosen, Sarah L. Weinberger-Litman, and Jonathan Robinson (Article)
Diagnostic Criteria for Identifying Childhood Apraxia of Speech in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Hindy D. Lubinsky, Steven Blaustein, and Irina Vaynshteyn (Presentation)
Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Individuals Who Clutter, Hindy D. Lubinsky, Steven Blaustein, and Irina Vaynshteyn (Presentation)
The Reliability of Measuring the Diadochokinetic Rate: A Comparison of Objective Instrumental Acoustic Technique and Subjective Listener Ratings, Hindy D. Lubinsky, Steven Blaustein, and Irina Vaynshteyn (Presentation)
Physical Therapy Student Reports of Blood Pressure Guidelines Learned in the Classroom, and Observed and Practiced in Clinical Affiliations, Ted L. Marks, S. Berg, B. Granek, P. Rybakov, I. Taranenko, D. Yee, and Ralph K. Garcia (Presentation)
Perspectives of Acute Care Clinical Instructors Regarding the Preparedness of Novice Physical Therapy Students for Safe Practice, Clara E. Neumann, B. Haiduk, A. D. Houck, C. Melli, H. Oh, and D. Thomas (Poster)
The Experience of Direct Care Providers Who Support Young Adults With Disabilities During the Transition From School to Adult Life in the Community, Meira Orentlicher (Presentation)
The Experiences and Perceptions of Collaboration Between Occupational Therapists and Other School Professionals, Meira Orentlicher (Presentation)
Adolescence and ASD, Meira Orentlicher and Donna Case (Book Chapter)
Intervention for Participation in IADLs and Independent Living for Individuals with ASD, Meira Orentlicher and Donna Case (Book Chapter)
Should All Physical Therapists Screen Patients for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Provide Basic Instructions in Strengthening These Skeletal Muscles, That Do Not Require Internal Vaginal Evaluation?, Ofra A. Pottorf (Poster)
SPOTS: A Model for the Creation of Sustainable, Population-Based, Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Sites, Pat J. Precin, Beth Chiariello, and Bari Diamond (Presentation)
SPOTS: A Model for the Creation of Sustainable, Population-Based, Occupational Therapy Fieldwork Sites., Pat J. Precin, Virginia Koenig, Beth Chiariello, Gabriela K. Masotti, Bari N. Diamond, Diana B. Lashinsky, and Olivia Tierno (Article)
Examining the Student Experience Within an Occupational Therapy Program, Rena Purohit, Meira L. Orentlicher, Nina Aylyarova, Ricki Marcus, Lisa Schecter, and Danielle Weiner (Poster)
Phenotypes and Characterization of COPD: A Pulmonary Rehabilitation Perspective, Jonathan Raskin, Ted L. Marks, and Albert Miller (Article)
Effectiveness of Mindfulness Meditation Practice on Physical Therapy Student Anxiety, Vanessa M. Reddin, R. Andrews, D. Chiappetta, B. DiSabato, S. Schaba, and A. Vinetti (Poster)
A Qualitative Study on the Cognitive and Affective Aspects of Cluttering, Isabella K. Reichel (Presentation)
Cluttering: Post-Congress One-Day Workshop., Isabella K. Reichel (Presentation)
International Cluttering Association Forum: Outcomes of 10 Years of Successful Collaboration, Isabella K. Reichel (Presentation)
The Impact of Audio-Visual Feedback Training on Speech, Rate, and Intelligibility: A Multiple Case Study, Isabella K. Reichel (Presentation)
Wykorzystanie Doświadczeń Dyscyplin Pokrewnych w Kształtowaniu Postaw Studentów logopedii wobec jąkania [Drawing on Allied Disciplines in Improving Attitudes of Graduate Students Toward Stuttering], Isabella K. Reichel and Susanne Cook (Book Chapter)
Use of Hedges in Conversational Speech Across Genders: Quantitative Analysis, Jeremy Rosenblum and Irina Vaynshteyn (Presentation)
Is There a Need for Routine Falls Risk Screening in the Outpatient Physical Therapy Setting?, Roslyn Sofer, Joseph G. Hayes, M. B. Bender, E. Brady, M. Minei, J. Schachner, and J. Weber (Poster)
3D Printing: An Interdisciplinary Journey - From the Classroom to the Clinic, Joan Wagner, Laurel Scheinfeld, and Blanche Leeman (Presentation)
Assessment of Novice Clinician Management of Acute Nonspecific Low Back Pain, Shira Schecter Weiner, A. Friedman, and S. Schindler (Poster)
Quality Assurance: Alignment of Back Pain Treatment with Practice Guidelines, Shira Schecter Weiner, Angela M. Lis, Cheongeun Oh, Geraldine L. Pagnotta, Mia R. Palazzo, and William H. Oswald (Poster)
The Impact of an Intergenerational, Earth Centered Program in a Natural Setting, Stephanie J. Dapice Wong (Poster)
Multi-Disciplinary Health Science Students’ Exposure to and Perceptions of Electronic Medical Records, Stephanie J. Dapice Wong, Rivka Molinsky, Patricia Burke, Laura Hagan, and France Weill (Presentation)
The Effects of Training Volume on Overuse Injuries in Non-Elite Triathletes, Chad E. Woodard, Ralph K. Garcia, Doug Akay, Stephen Albarella, Chris Faber, Jermaine Lee, Morgan Reisman, and Chloe Starr (Poster)
Clinicians’ and Educators’ Perspectives on the Usefulness and Effectiveness of PuzzleArt™ Therapy in Screening for and Remediating Visual Skills Deficits in Children and Adults, Serena S. Zeidler (Presentation)
Conversations That Matter: Overcoming Barriers to Forge Leadership Pathways for School-Based Practitioners, Serena S. Zeidler (Presentation)
Common Visual Skills Challenges in School-Based Practice: Using a Multisensory Approach for Screening and Intervention, Serena S. Zeidler and Susan Fisher (Poster)
Equal Rights and Opportunities for All School-Based Practitioners, Serena S. Zeidler and J. Spencer (Presentation)
Submissions from 2017
Provider Perceptions of the Assessment and Rehabilitation of Sexual Functioning After Traumatic Brain Injury, Juan Carlos Arango-Lasprilla, Laiene Olabarrieta-Landa, Melissa M. Ertl, Lillian Flores Stevens, Alejandra Morlett-Paredes, Nada Andelic, and Nathan D. Zasler (Article)
The Effects of Conducting a Supervised Research Study on Students’ Interests in Pursuing a Ph.D., Batsheva Beckerman, Ephrat Alon, Blima Berger, Nili Forgy, Sara Fishman, Hindy D. Lubinsky, and Irina Vaynshteyn (Poster)
Poetry, Paintings, and a Short Story: Humanities Foster Success in Developing Clinical Reasoning Skills, Josette Brodhead and Patricia Burke (Conference Proceeding)
Social Media and Occupational Therapy Education, Tara Casimano (Poster)
Engaging Students in Faculty Research Agenda, Tara Casimano and Meira Orentlicher (Presentation)
A Qualitative Model for Customer Behavioral Decisions and Satisfaction in the Hospitality Industry, Michael H. Chetta, Sayeedul Islam, Andrzej Kozikowski, David Cassel, Bhagya Bandara, and Dana Cyrelda Sanchez (Article)
From Expert Clinician to Academician: The First Three Years, Beth Chiariello (Poster)
Speech-Language Pathologist’s Perception of the Effectiveness of iTherapy in Intervention With School-Aged Children & Adults, Shula Cohen, Iva Mittelman, Alana Pines, Ayelet Prero, Joanna Zou, Irina Vaynshteyn, and Rachelle Kirshenbaum (Poster)
Occupational Therapy’s Role in Bullying Prevention Programs, Tara Collins (Poster)
A Health Literacy Workshop for Occupational Therapists Incorporating Elements of the Universal Precautions Toolkit, Virginia Koenig Crippen (Poster)
The Effects of a Fall Prevention and Exercise Occupational Therapy Intervention for People with Huntington’s Disease and Their Caregivers: Phase 1, Diana Daus (Poster)
Effecting Change: Motivational Interviewing in Schools, Rosemary Flanagan (Book Review)
Increased Relevance Means Greater Inclusiveness, Rosemary Flanagan (Book Review)
Meeting Growing Needs: Group Interventions in Schools, Rosemary Flanagan (Book Review)
Review of the BASC-2 Progress Monitor, Rosemary Flanagan (Article)
Review of the Integrative Child Temperament Inventory, Rosemary Flanagan (Article)
Using Cognitive and Behavioral Methods to Support Bereaved Students, Rosemary Flanagan (Book Chapter)
E-Mental Health and Counselor Training, Jeffrey Gardere, Dan Sharir, and Yair Maman (Article)
Mindfulness-Based and Acceptance-Based Interventions in Sport and Performance Contexts, Frank L. Gardner and Zella E. Moore (Article)
FAQs About Practice in Early Intervention, Dottie Handley-More, E. W. Schneider, Jan Hollenbeck, and Meira L. Orentlicher (Article)
FAQs About Practice in the Schools, Dottie Handley-More, E. W. Schneider, Jan Hollenbeck, and Meira L. Orentlicher (Article)
Perception of Sarcasm in English Monolingual Speakers in the Presence & Absence of Social Context, Samantha Hom, Diana Willner, Mara Plotzker, Jodi Sabella, Shir Yaakov, Seung-Yun Yang, and Irina Vaynshteyn (Poster)
Occupational Therapy for All: Addressing the Needs of Diverse People and Communities Across the Lifespan, Beverly P. Horowitz, Pei-Fen Chang, Alexander Lopez, and Cristina Reyes Smith (Presentation)
Fieldwork Education: Motivators and Barriers, Pamela Karp and Tara Collins (Poster)