
Submissions from 2024


Antisemitism, Kimberly Asner-Self (Article)


“It’s Essential”: Practicum Supervisees’ Emotion Regulation Challenges and Their Doctoral Supervisors’ Responses, L. D. Borders, Lindsey M. Grossman, J. S. Cory, C. E. Trustey, B. P. Gerringer, and J. L. Austin (Article)


Documentation, R. Botkin, A. B. Roberts, R. Drummer, Christopher Voltmer, D. Huddart, and C. Cheek (Book Chapter)


Neurological System, R. Botkin, Christopher Voltmer, J. Lowy, P. Noone, and C. Cheek (Book Chapter)


Interprofessional Education Collaborative Pilot: Working Across Disciplines, Patricia Burke, Laurie Bobley, Alan Sebel, and Sabra E. Brock (Book Chapter)


Does the Bayley-4 Measure the Same Constructs Across Girls and Boys and Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers?, J. M. Caemmerer, J. M. deLeyer-Tiarks, B. A. Dale, Emily L. Winter, N. R. Charamut, A. M. Scudder, E. C. Peters, M. A. Bray, and A. S. Kaufman (Article)


Prosecutorial Language, Moral Disengagement, and Sentencing Outcomes in Real Capital Murder Cases, K.A.J. Fogler, Casey Imperio, J. Brewster, M.P. Skolnick, and A. Powell (Article)


Holocaust Denial, Faye Fried-Walkenfeld and Kimberly Johnson (Article)


The Exemplary Physical Therapist Students in Clinical Education: A Phenomenological Study, Laura Hagan and M. Tovin (Article)


Introduction to Tiered Interventions in Schools: Tiered Strategies for Student Success Column, D. Handley-More, Meira L. Orentlicher, and D. B. Schwind (Article)


Promoting Interprofessional Collaboration-Related Competencies in Students From Seven Health Professions, Jill Horbacewicz and Rivka Molinsky (Article)


Lack of Effects of Online HD-tDCS Over the Left or Right DLPFC in an Associative Memory and Metamemory Monitoring Task, Casey Imperio and Elizabeth F. Chua (Article)


Holocaust, Kimberly Johnson (Article)


Change in Neuropsychological Test Performance Seen in a Longitudinal Study of Patients with Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19: A 6-Month Follow-Up Study, Sean T. Lynch, Rhea Dornbush, Sivan Shahar, Rayah Mansour, Lidia Klepacz, Louis H. Primavera, and Stephen J. Ferrando (Article)


Reflections on the Empirical Examination Comparing the Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment Approach and Psychological Skills Training for the Mental Health and Sport Performance of Female Student Athletes, Z. E. Moore, Frank Gardner, M. Gross, A. T. Wolanin, R. Pess-Gross, and D. R. Marks (Book Chapter)


Breathe and Bring the Heat: Optimizing Sports Performance with Mindfulness & Behavior Science, Daniel J. Moran (Book)


Introduction and Guidelines: Tiered Strategies for Student Success Column, Meira L. Orentlicher and D. Handley-More (Article)


Use of an Education and Coaching Intervention to Promote Occupational Balance in Graduate Occupational Therapy Students, Linda M. Rini and Ingrid Provident (Article)


Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) in Action: Tier 1 and Tier 2 Occupational Therapy Interventions for Play, Leisure, and Social Participation, D. B. Schwind, Meira L. Orentlicher, and D. Handley-More (Article)


Temporal Self-Appraisals Associated with Suicide-Related Thoughts and Behaviors, Yosef Sokol, Chayim Rosensweig, Chynna Levin, and Sofie Glatt (Article)


The Transtheoretical Model of Change and Recovery From a Suicidal Episode, Yosef Sokol, Y. Wahl, S. Glatt, C. Levin, P. Tran, and M. Goodman (Article)


Perceptions of Occupational Therapy Practitioners as Leaders Within the New York State Education System, Jaime Spencer, Serena Zeidler, and K. Wiggins (Article)


Measuring Public Attitudes Toward Stuttering: Test-Retest Reliability Revisited, K. O. St. Louis, E. F. Aliveto, M. Teymouri Sangani, S. Abdi, H. Rezai, F. Abdalla, A. Przepiórka, A. Błachnio, K. Węsierska, L. Junuzović-Žunić, S. Eisert, C. K. Roche, Isabella Reichel, A. Beste-Guldborg, T. Flynn, B. Bolton-Grant, S. Gottwald, S. Spears, D. Hudock, J. Hartley, M. Pushpavathi, and K. N. Johnson (Article)


A Novel Approach to Safe Patient Handling and Mobility Training in Physical Therapist Education, Michael Tautonico, Christopher Voltmer, Timothy Lee, Erin DiCandia, and Nicki Silberman (Article)


Chapter 27: Tourette Syndrome in Children and Adolescents, Lea A. Theodore, Bruce A. Bracken, Melissa A. Bray, Aarti P. Bellara, Emily L. Winter, Johanna M. deLeyer-Tiarks, and Laura R. Freise (Book Chapter)


Chapter 33: Asthma in Children and Adolescents, Lea A. Theodore, Bruce A. Bracken, Melissa A. Bray, Melissa A. Bray, Emily L. Winter, Adeline Bray, Johanna M. deLeyer-Tiarks, and Sai Aravala (Book Chapter)


Coping with the Long-Term Impact of Civil Strife: A Grief-Centered Analysis of Tamil Sri Lankan Communities Affected by Ethnopolitical Conflict, F. C. Thomas, R. Divirgilio, Nuwan D. Jayawickreme, S. Sivayokan, K. McShane, and E. Jayawickreme (Article)


Choosing Wisely® in Academia, Strategies for Clinical and Classroom Curricula, J. Tokash, G. Gillen, and Virginia E. Koenig (Article)


Nature as Medicine and Classroom: Evaluating an Innovative, Outdoor Course for Medical and Dental Students, S.M. Trudel, Emily L. Winter, and M.P. Guerrera (Article)


An Introduction to Cluttering: A Practical Guide for Speech-Language Pathology Students, Clinicians, and Researchers, Yvonne van Zaalen and Isabella Reichel (Book)


Lithuanian Translation of "Cluttering: Current Views on Its Nature, Assessment, and Treatment": Kleteringas: Dabartinis Požiūris į Jos Prigimtį, Diagnostiką Ir Terapiją, Yvonne van Zaalen and Isabella Reichel (Book)


Judaism, Faye Walkenfeld and Kimberly Asner-Self (Article)


Modern Group Eating Disorder Treatment: Inclusion From a Cognitive Behavioral Perspective, Emily L. Winter, R. Baumann, and E. DeMaio (Book Chapter)


Fat Phobia Among Youth Sport Coaches, Emily L. Winter, A.P. Bellara, M.A. Bray, R.M. Puhl, A.S. Kaufman, S.M. Trudel, and T. La Salle-Finley (Article)


Pro Bono in the Real World: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature and Recommendations for Meaningful Engagement, Emily L. Winter, S. Maharjan, E. Micali, C. Stillman, C. Mason, and P. Gordon (Article)


Eating Disorders, School Professionals, and Understanding Family Theory, Emily L. Winter, C. Mason, and C. Stillman (Article)


Mind–Body Health Strategies for Supporting Student-Athletes, Emily L. Winter, K.T.S. Sheehan, and S. Maharjan (Article)


Supporting Students with Eating Disorders, Emily L. Winter, C. Stillman, and C. Mason (Article)

Reconsidering Botox: Points to Ponder, S. Zucker, S. Silber, Yocheved Bensinger-Brody, and J. H. Perfect (Article)

Submissions from 2023


Diagnostic Report Writing in Speech-Language Pathology: A Guide to Effective Communication., Steven H. Blaustein (Book)


Exploring the Cluttering Curriculum in Speech Pathology Programs Worldwide, C. Di Domenicantonio, Isabella Reichel, E. Carlo, A. Choi, and S. Özdemir (Conference Proceeding)


A Model for Remote Remediation to Address Communication Deficits Identified During Clinical Placement, Laura Hagan, Reema Thakkar, and Shira S. Weiner (Article)


Gender Differences in Disaffiliation From Orthodox Judaism, Yehudis Keller, Alla Chavarga, Estee Hirsch, Pesach Eisen, and Rona Miles (Article)


Uncovering the Obstacles—a Typology of Environmental and Contextual Factors Affecting Occupational Participation: A Scoping Review, Leon Kirschner, Nancy W. Doyle, and Brigitte C. Desport (Article)


Development and Validation of the Self-Management Assessment for the Residuum and prosThesis System Designed for Persons with Limb Loss (SMART), Daniel J. Lee, Robert S. Gailey, Alicia Fernandez-Fernandez, and Bini A. Litwin (Article)


One Day You Too Will Be Older: Teaching Empathy to Physical Therapy Students with an Older Adult Simulator Suit, Daniel J. Lee, Ashley Willoughby, Max Pignotti, Brianna McNulty, Natalie Fagan, Alex Kapoutsos, and Jay Patel (Article)


How Future Self-Continuity Mediates the Impact of Job Loss on Negative Mental Health Outcomes Among Transitioning Veterans, Chynna Levin, Sterling Nenninger, Devora Freundlich, Sofie Glatt, and Yosef Sokol (Article)


Effect of a First Clinical Experience on Physical Therapy Students' Perception of the Importance of Obtaining and Assessing Blood Pressure, Ted Marks, Reema Thakkar, Ofra A. Pottorf, Zohn Rosen, and Laura Hagan (Article)


Reasons for Leaving: Causes and Initial Triggers for Disaffiliation From Orthodox Judaism, Rona Miles, Alla Chavarga, Estee Hirsch, Pesach Eisen, and Yehudis Keller (Article)


Autism Spectrum Disorder: Evaluating Historical and Current Trends Through the Lens of Neurodiversity, Kathleen Quinn and Karrie Lindeman (Article)


Utilization of 3D Printed Orthoses for Musculoskeletal Conditions of the Upper Extremity: A Systematic Review, Deborah A. Schwartz and Katherine A. Schofield (Article)


Feasibility and Acceptability of Continuous Identity Cognitive Therapy as a Recovery-Oriented Suicide Treatment for Veterans: A Study Protocol, Yosef Sokol, Sarah Andrusier, Sofie Glatt, Lisa Dixon, Josephine Ridley, Clayton H. Brown, Yulia Landa, Shirley Glynn, and Marianne Goodman (Article)


Recovery After a Suicidal Episode: Developing and Validating the Recovery Evaluation and Suicide Support Tool (RESST), Yosef Sokol, Sofie Glatt, Chynna Levin, Patricia Tran, Chayim Rosensweig, Chana Silver, Shifra Hubner, Louis H. Primavera, and Marianne Goodman (Article)


Temporal Self and Reflected Appraisals in Euthymic and Depressed Individuals, Yosef Sokol, Chynna Levin, Chayim Rosensweig, Nahal Talasazan, and Mark R. Serper (Article)


Long COVID Coping and Recovery (LCCR): Developing a Novel Recovery-Oriented Treatment for Veterans with Long COVID, Yosef Sokol, Chana Silver, Sofie Glatt, Lakshmi Chennapragada, Sarah Andrusier, Cameron Padgett, Ariana Dichiara, and Marianne Goodman (Article)


Health Disparities in Nontraumatic Lower Extremity Amputations: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Arthur Tarricone, Allen Gee, Karla De La Mata, Louis H. Primavera, Michael J. Trepal, Wayne Axman, Vinayak Perake, and Prakash Krishnan (Article)


Mindfulness Interventions in Sport, David Tod, Ken Hodge, Vikki Krane, Zella E. Moore, and Frank Gardner (Book Chapter)


Home Health Physical Therapists' Perceptions in Clinical Management of the Patient Following Post-Onset of COVID-19, Christopher Voltmer, Michael Tautonico, and June Kume (Article)


Attributions of LGBTQ+ Identity and Religious Views on Homosexuality to Disaffiliation From Orthodox Judaism, Gennady Vulakh, Rona Miles, Alla Chavarga, Estee Hirsch, and Pesach Eisen (Article)


Does the Degree of Prematurity Relate to the Bayley-4 Scores Earned by Matched Samples of Infants and Toddlers Across the Cognitive, Language, and Motor Domains?, Emily L. Winter, Jacqueline M. Caemmerer, Sierra M. Trudel, Johanna deLeyer-Tiarks, Melissa A. Bray, Brittany A. Dale, and Alan S. Kaufman (Article)

Submissions from 2022


Applications of Applied Behavioral Analysis to Classroom Management, J. Alcruz, M. Blair, Kathleen Quinn, S. Farsijany, and J. Synder (Book Chapter)


The Effect of Prosody and Suprasegmentals on Voice Production, Simeon Blitman, N. Schaefer, and A. Fuse (Article)


Berg Balance Scale (BBS) for Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), Matthew Botros, Lindsey DiIorio, Michael Romeo, Gillian Scherer, Paige Trombley, and Christopher Voltmer (Article)


Wendy Wrinkles the Unhappy Preschooler, Dwaneti A. Brooks and N. Fawad (Book)


A Systems Approach to Sexism Among Adolescents: Exploring the Utility of the “Safe to Touch” Activity for Counselors-in-Training, K Brown, R. Papa, S Rodriguez, Tanupreet Suri, and H.C. Sands (Book Chapter)


Community-Based OT Program Planning: A Virtual Level II Fieldwork Program Developed in Response to the Global Pandemic, Michelle Buccinna, Tara Collins, Debra Cullinane, Stephanie J. Wong, Virginia E. Koenig, Shifra K. Leiser, and Rena B. Purohit (Article)


Analysis of STEMI and NSTEMI in a Community Cohort of Marijuana Users, Farla Jean-Louis, Ajibola Monsur Adedayo, Temitope Ajibawo Oluwadamilola, Louis H. Primavera, Abdullah Khan, Ricardo Castillo, and Hal Chadow (Article)


Exploring Fieldwork Educator Development: Preparation Methods and Support Tools, Pamela Karp, Kelly A. Lavin, and Tara Collins (Article)


Factors Influencing Physician Assistant Student Attrition Rates, Jonathan Kilstrom, Stephanie Neary, Chris Roman, Carl Garrubba, Susan LeLacheur, and James Van Rhee (Article)


Functional Limitations Associated with Frailty Risk in Older Adults Increased After COVID-19 Infection in 2020 CDC NHIS Data, June Kume, Adiebonye Jumbo, Christopher Voltmer, and Fang Luo (Article)


Online Graduate Programs: Better Equity for Industrial-Organizational Psychologists Among Disadvantaged Groups, Caitlin M. Lapine and A. Sachdev (Article)


The Experience of Self-Managing From the Perspective of Persons with Lower Limb Loss, Prosthetists, and Physical Therapists, Daniel J. Lee, Bini Litwin, Alicia Fernandez-Fernandez, and Robert Gailey (Article)


Survey of Physical Activity in Persons with Limb Loss During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States, Daniel J. Lee, Carol A. Miller, Albert Gambale, Maya Nisani, Matthew Marra, Elizabeth R. Leung, Daniel Chillianis, and Madeline Rodgers (Article)


Reliability and Concurrent Validity of Mobile Health Technology for Patient Self-Monitoring in Physical Rehabilitation, Ofra A. Pottorf, Daniel J. Lee, and Paul-Neil Czujko (Article)


Cross-Sectional Area and Echo Intensity Values of Peripheral Nerves: Ultrasonographic and Cadaveric Correlation, M. Rawat, Vanessa M. Reddin, R. Boggs, and C. Upreti (Article)


Cluttering: Etiology, Symptomatology, Identification, and Treatment., K Scaler Scott, H Sønsterud, and Isabella Reichel (Book Chapter)


Theoretical Model of Recovery Following a Suicidal Episode (COURAGE): Scoping Review and Narrative Synthesis, Yosef Sokol, Chynna Levin, Mairav Linzer, Chayim Rosensweig, Shifra Hubner, Molly Gromatsky, Samantha Walsh, Lisa Dixon, and Marianne Goodman (Article)


Anxiety and Temporal Self-Appraisal: How People with Anxiety Evaluate Themselves Over Time, Yosef Sokol, Chayim Rosensweig, Chynna Levin, and Mairav Linzer (Article)


Step-by-Step Process of Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Projects for Graduate Students: Lessons From Engaging with CBPR in Interdisciplinary Counselor Education, Tanupreet Suri, A Trott, S Atalay, and A McCleary (Book Chapter)


Exploring the Relationship Between Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Balance in Community Dwelling Older Women, Reema Thakkar, Leah Verebes, P. Friedman, E. Liberman, D. Peikes, I. Tokarsky, H. Weber, and Ralph K. Garcia (Article)


Clinical Medicine for Physician Assistants, James Van Rhee, Stephanie Neary, and Christine Bruce (Book)


Praktijkboek Broddelen: Succesvol Behandeld [Handbook on Cluttering: Successful Treatment], Y. Van Zaalen and Isabella Reichel (Book)


The Relationship Between Pedagogy and Changes in Students’ Learning Styles in Physician Assistant Education, C. Sonia Wardley, E. Brooks Applegate, Qian Wang, and James Van Rhee (Article)

Submissions from 2021


Deconstructing Occupational Performance: Investigating the Impact of a Visual–Spatial Attention Intervention on Motor and Subsystem Performance, Yocheved Bensinger-Brody and Shifra Leiser (Article)


IMPROVE VTE Risk Model, Matthew Botros, Lindsey DiIorio, Michael Romeo, Gillian Scherer, Paige Trombley, and Christopher Voltmer (Article)


An Open Trial of a Suicide Safety Planning Group Treatment: “Project Life Force”, Marianne Goodman, Sarah R. Sullivan, Angela Page Spears, Lisa Dixon, Yosef Sokol, Kalpana Nidhi Kapil-Pair, Hanga C. Galfalvy, Erin A. Hazlett, and Barbara Stanley (Article)

Reduction of Unwarranted Variation in PT Education, Jill S. Horbacewicz (Presentation)


Exploring Preparedness for Competency in the Role of Fieldwork Educator, Pamela Karp, Kelly Lavin, and Tara Collins (Article)


Less Stressed Minds Are Creative Minds: How Basic Income Can Increase Employee Creativity, Caitlin M. Lapine (Article)


Teaching Group Processes: Facilitation Group Discussions in an Online Environment, Caitlin M. Lapine, J. Cerniak, M. S. Wong, and L. H. Rosen (Book Chapter)


Basic Income: How to Help Women and Reduce Gender Disparity, Caitlin M. Lapine, Aditi Rabindra Sachdev, and Sakshi Vaghani (Article)


Self-Management in Persons with Limb Loss: A Systematic Review, Daniel J. Lee, Theresa Repole, Emily Taussig, Stephanie Edwards, Jamie Misegades, Jorge Guerra, and Amira Lisle (Article)

Can You Make Your Grad School Application Stand Out, Rivka Molinsky (Presentation)


Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA) End of Curriculum Exam, PAEA End of Curriculum Contributors and Mary Flanagan-Kundle (Article)


Tips for Academic Administrators: Solving Problems and Optimizing Leadership Skills, Louis H. Primavera (Book)

Development of the Roy Adaptation Modes Scale (RAMS), Sandra A. Russo (Presentation)


Do Psychological Factors Affect Outcomes in Musculoskeletal Shoulder Disorders? A Systematic Review, Ali Sheikhzadeh, Maria M. Wertli, Shira S. Weiner, Eva Rasmussen-Barr, and Sherri Weiser (Article)


The Deadly Gap: Understanding Suicide Among Veterans Transitioning Out of the Military, Yosef Sokol, Molly Gromatsky, Emily R. Edwards, Ashley L. Greene, Joseph C. Geraci, Rachel E. Harris, and Marianne Goodman (Article)


Continuous Identity Cognitive Therapy: Feasibility and Acceptability of a Novel Intervention for Suicidal Symptoms, Yosef Sokol, Josephine Ridley, Marianne Goodman, Yulia Landa, Silvia Hernandez, and Lisa Dixon (Article)


Constructivism in Action: A Dynamic Group Process in Defining and Applying Principles of Social Justice, Tanupreet Suri, Leslie Woolson, Arianna Trott, Marty Apodaca, M. Kathryn Brammer, Dèsa Karye Daniel, Diane Lacen, and Thomas A. Chávez (Article)