
Submissions from 2024


Mindfulness Practice and Expressions of Wellness: Experiences of Doctoral Counselor Education and Supervision Students, Adrienne Baggs, Odelia Duhel, Erin Justice, and Fanita Henderson (Article)


The Impact of Culturally Responsive Leadership Traits on Alabama K-12 Teachers’ Intention to Leave and Job Satisfaction, Samuel Baker, Michael Epstein, Audrey E. Rabas, and Aldwin Domingo (Article)


Bank Capital, Capital Requirements, Monetary Policy Tools, and the Likelihood of a Coming Crash, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Token Marketing and Sales Issues, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Critical Issues Regarding the Employment of Blockchain in the Financial Credit Reporting Industry, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Essays on the Banking Industry, Regulation BB, Regulation DD, and Regulation V, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Financial Compliance Programs, the Volkswagen Scandal, and Two Financial Compliance Scenarios, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Succession Planning for Today’s Work World, Annette M. Cremo and Tom Bux (Book)


The Ethical Considerations of Business Artificial Intelligence Exploration Through the Lenses of the Global AI Technology Acceptance Model, S. Edgington and Karina Kasztelnik (Article)


Understanding What Drives the Adoption of Data Analytics Among Academic Leaders and Supervisors in a Jewish Higher Education Institution, Tzvi C. Eleff, Aldwin Domingo, Nicholas Bowersox, and Donna M. Day (Article)


Professional Agent Perspectives on Representing WNBA Athletes in the United States, Rosemond Gomez-Joseph, Joseph Gioia, Kerry M. Lanza, Michael Berger, and Aldwin Domingo (Article)


The Future of Business Data Analytics and Accounting Automation: How New Professionals Can Level Up Their Skills and Knowledge, Karina Kasztelnik and S. Campbell (Article)


Financial Statement Fraud Detection in the Digital Age, Karina Kasztelnik and E.K. Jermakowicz (Article)


First-Aid Mental Health for the Pre-Medical Student, Robert Lubin, Benjamin Katz, Michelle Marants, Mia Medney, Charles Rosin, Dean Sandler, Sophie Schonberger, Jamie R. Sharabani, Jacqueline Sherry, Gary Shteyman, Theodore Tran, Elana Weiss, Edward Zeltner, Matthew Zisu, and Peter Aloka (Book Chapter)


Understanding Postmodern Family Therapy: Interweaving Theory and Applying Models in Context, Kelsey Railsback (Book)

Submissions from 2023


Perceived Workplace Support for Employee Participation in Workplace Wellness Programs: A Brief Report, Jennifer Altman, Casey Mace Firebaugh, Stephanie M. Morgan, and Michael Epstein (Article)


Adapting to Disruption: A Growth Model for Teachers in the Age of COVID and AI-Assessing the Adaptation, Michael Berger, Jacob Larsen, and S.E. Berger (Article)


Setting the Conditions for Mission Command to Flourish, Marc Boburg and Justin Cunningham (Article)


Do Insider Trading Laws Need to Be Reformed?, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Six Essays on Securities Fraud and Financial Crime, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


The Fall of Arthur Andersen, LLP and Enron Corporation, and the Rise of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


The Sentencing Guidelines, the Covid-19 Pandemic and HealthCare Fraud, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


The Use of Intentionalism, Textualism, Purposivism, Lenity, and the Absurd Doctrine When Evaluating Legislative Intent and Legislative History, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership Traits Among Licensed Certified Public Accountants Located in the United States, Sabine Charles, Andress D. Walker, Coy J. Hillstead, and Aldwin Domingo (Article)


An Archival Examination of Gender-Specific Terminology in Public and Private Sector Collective Bargaining Agreements, Coy J. Hillstead (Article)


Sources of Variability in Police Officers’ Motor Responses to a Deadly Use-of-Force Encounter, Robert Horn, William Lewinski, Gustavo Sandri Heidner, Joshua Lawton, Craig Allen, Skylar Paletta, and Nicholas P. Murray (Article)


Modelling Baseball Hitting Success as a Function of Gaze Location, T. Kinney, Zachary Domire, and Nicholas P. Murray (Article)


From Fine Dining to Profound Connections: Joaquin Chavez Delves Into the Psychology of Hospitality on the Come Teach It Podcast, Jacob Larsen, Michael Berger, J Chavez, and S Berger (Article)


Chapter 20: Personal Reflections and Effective Coping Mechanisms When Transitioning to Higher Education, Robert Lubin, Joel Freibaum, Shelby E. Michaels, Tyler Hersch, and Elisheva M. Miller (Book Chapter)


Personal Reflections and Effective Coping Mechanisms When Transitioning to Higher Education, Robert Lubin, Joel Freibaum, Shelby E. Michaels, Tyler Hersch, Elisheva M. Miller, Peter Jo Aloka, and Kananga Robert Mukuna (Book Chapter)


Acculturation and Mental Health, Robert Lubin, Tanya Gusovsky, and Harish Chandra Chandan (Book Chapter)


Career Planning Employee Engagement and Productivity in the Post-Pandemic Era, Robert Lubin, Malka Lior, and Batya Lubin (Book Chapter)


'Women in the front': Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: Depression, anxiety, loneliness, and somatization in the Israel population, Revital Naor-Ziv, Yaarit Amram, Robert Lubin, and Sarah Rosenberg (Article)


Moderation Effects of Gender on the Association Between Intimate Partner Violence and Suicidal Ideation or Attempt Among Adolescents: A Secondary Analysis of the 2017 YRBS, Liesl A. Nydegger, Lyzette Blanco, C. Nathan Marti, and Daniel Kreitzberg (Article)


Article and Grant Writing in Psychotherapy, Michael D. Reiter, Pei-Fen Li, Kelsey Railsback, and Michael D. Reiter (Book Chapter)


Concussed Neural Signature Is Substantially Different Than Fatigue Neural Signature in Non-Concussed Controls, Gustavo Sandri Heidner, Caitlin O’Connell, Zachary J. Domire, Patrick Rider, Chris Mizelle, and Nicholas P. Murray (Article)


The Relationship Between Coping, Trauma, Job Demand, Job Resources, and Burnout for Social Workers During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Amanda Savage, Audrey E. Rabas, Ann-Marie Buchanan, and Aldwin Domingo (Article)


Differential Impact of the Perception of Ethical Climates Upon Job Satisfaction Among Different Types of Employees, Glenn A. Zimmerman, Radu Munteanu, Andress D. Walker, Donald L. Buresh, and Aldwin Domingo (Article)

Submissions from 2022


Influence of All Sexual Orientations and Gender Identity Upon Work Authenticity Through Satisfaction with Supervisor, P. Berbeco, Jerimy Blowers, Joseph Gioia, and Michael Epstein (Article)


A Practical Evaluation of Remote Work Issues and the SolarWinds Breach Using the ISO/IEC 27001 Cybersecurity Framework and the ISO/IEC 27002 Guidelines, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


A Simulation of How a Cloud Service Provider From the Midwest Should Behave When Faced with a Potential Cyber-Attack, Where Many of Its Customers Do Business in the Healthcare, Banking, and Educational Industries, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Cybersecurity, Facial Recognition, and Election Integrity, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Given the SEC’s 2022 Proposed Cyber Rule Amendments, Is the DOD’s CMMC Framework a Viable Cyber Framework?, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


How American Businesses Could Approach Trade with Companies in South America That Are Located in Adequate and Non-Adequate Countries, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


How Should an Attorney Deal with High Technology in Their Law Practice?, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


In Light of the American Departure From Afghanistan, Does Network-Centric Warfare Adequately Prepare the United States to Address Future Cyber Activities by the Taliban?, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Nation-States, Economic Protectionism, National Security, the SolarWinds Cyber-Attack, and the Impact on Supply Chains From the Russian-Ukrainian War, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Predictive Effects of Women’s Adverse Childhood Experiences and Attachment Style Upon Romantic Attraction Towards Men with Dark Triad Personality Traits, C Cortez, D. Warner, and Aldwin Domingo (Article)


The Impact of College Student Characteristics’ Upon the Four Dimensions of Academic Self-Efficacy, Aldwin Domingo and Martina Krisztina Hollearn (Article)


Developing Self-Directed Learning Skills for Lifelong Learning, Michael D. Hamlin, Patrick Hughes, and Jillian Yarbrough (Book Chapter)


A Curriculum Development and Quality Assessment Model Based on the Formation of Professional Identity, Michael D. Hamlin, Hesham Magd, and Siraj Kariyilaparambu Kunjumuhammed (Book Chapter)


History of Concussion Oddly Results in Greater Saccadic Accuracy, G.S. Heidner, B. Trotter, J. Lawton, and Nicholas P. Murray (Article)


Predictors of a Positive Online Learning Experience, Robert Lubin and Amanda Czik (Article)


Socio-Demographic Predictors of Depression During the First COVID-19 Lockdown, Robert Lubin, Hallie Peller, Bruna Voldman, and Heather Green (Article)


Measuring Renewable Energy Acceptance: Waste-to-Energy in the US, Jahan Moghadam, Lisa Logan Smith, and K.K. Niazi (Article)


The Distinctiveness of Small Business Owners Openness, and Conscientiousness with the Influence on Financial Institution Risk Management with the Logistic Regression Analysis in the United States, Luis Moncayo and Karina Kasztelnik (Article)


Gaze Control and Tactical Decision Making Under Stress: Use of Force Response in Active-Duty Police Officers, Nicholas P. Murray, Gustavo Sandri Heidner, William Lewinski, Joshua Lawton, Craig Allen, and Robert Horn (Article)


An Increase in Lower Extremity Injury as a Result of Cognitive and Psychological Deficits of Concussion, Caitlin Schult, Gustavo Sandri-Heidner, and Nicholas P. Murray (Article)


An Exploratory Study of Opioid Drug Overdoses and How Law Enforcement Officers Are Affected in Their Personal and Professional Lives, D. Weiss, D. Gutierrez, Andrea Gutierrez, and M. Loux (Article)

Submissions from 2021


Loneliness, Depression, and Anxiety Experienced by the Israeli Population During the First COVID-19 Lockdown: A Cross-sectional Survey, Jason Brafman, Robert Lubin, Revital Naor-Ziv, Sarah Rosenberg, and Tzvi Dwolatzky (Article)


A Comparison of the National Security and the Cybersecurity Approaches of the United States Under Presidents Trump and Bidenversus the National Security and Cybersecurity Approach of Canada, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Can Extremism Be Thought of as an Insider Threat?, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Is Identity Theft Using Skimmers a Serious Threat or a Minor Inconvenience?, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Russian Cyber-Attacks on Estonia, Georgia, and Ukraine, Including Tactics, Techniques, Procedures, and Effects, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Should Personal Information and Biometric Data Be Protected Under a Comprehensive Federal Privacy Statute That Uses the California Consumer Privacy Act and the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act as Model Laws?, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


The Application of the Federal Trade Commission Privacy and Safeguards Rules to the In the Matter Tax Slayer, LLC Case, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


The Curious Case of the $8 Million Carnegie Library Heist, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


The Everalbum, Inc. Case, or How the Federal Trade Commission Protected Consumer Rights Regarding the Collection, Use, Storage, Dissemination, and Destruction of Facial Recognition Data, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Will Cancel Culture Prevent the Adoption of the Right to Be Forgotten?, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Would John Stuart Mill Support or Reject Net Neutrality?, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


The Battle for Backdoors and Encryption Keys, Donald L. Buresh and Shailendra Dwivedi (Article)


The Means to the Desired End: Using the Robust Learning Model (RLM) Approach to Achieve Student Learning Outcomes Regardless of Mode of Delivery, Aldwin Domingo, Shelia Lewis, and Christopher Ewing (Article)


Psychotherapists Working in Private Practice During a Pandemic: A Literature Review, Christine L. Duquette and Stephanie M. Morgan (Article)


Interplay of Religious Coping Mechanisms, Internalized Homonegativity, and Attitudes Towards Seeking Professional Help Among LGBTQ African Americans Within Christian Church Congregations, David N. Glover and Aldwin Domingo (Article)


Creating an Andragogy for Adult Learning Advantage:, Michael D. Hamlin (Book Chapter)


Smooth Pursuit Eye Movements as a Biomarker for Mild Concussion Within 7-Days of Injury, Melissa Hunfalvay, Nicholas P. Murray, Revathy Mani, and Frederick Robert Carrick (Article)


Postpartum Depression: Far Reaching Impact and the Role of Empowerment, Cristie Ritz King, Stephanie M. Morgan, Casey Mace Firebaugh, Tishra Beeson, Timothy J. Legg, and Rebecca Wardlow (Article)


Bariatric Surgical Alterations in Tolerability, Enjoyment and Cravings in the Diet (BSATED) Instrument: A New Scale to Measure Food Preferences Following Bariatric Surgery, Kristina H. Lewis, Ming Ji, Yun Bai, David E. Arterburn, Bhumi B. Bhakta, Melissa Cornejo, Cecelia L. Crawford, Adam Drewnowski, Marlaine Figueroa Gray, Darren D. Moore, Sameer B. Murali, Silvia R. Paz, Brianna Taylor, Tae K. Yoon, Deborah Rohm Young, and Karen J. Coleman (Article)


Barriers of Chinese Gay Men to Counseling, Chichun Lin, Darren D. Moore, Sandra A. Espinoza, and David Nylund (Article)


Extroversion with the Influence on Macroeconomy and Bank Risk Microloans in the United States, L. Moncayo and Karina Kasztelnik (Article)


A Need of Further Training for Marriage and Family Therapy Students’ on Food Addiction and Related Eating Disorders, Darren D. Moore, Chichun Lin, and Clinton Cooper (Article)


Assertiveness, Self-Esteem, and Relationship Satisfaction, J. G. Moss, C. M. Firebaugh, and Stephanie M. Morgan (Article)


Oculomotor Behavior Predict Professional Cricket Batting and Bowling Performance, Nicholas P. Murray, Josh Lawton, Patrick Rider, Nathanial Harris, and Melissa Hunfalvay (Article)


A Systematic Review on the Psychological Effects of Perfectionism and Accompanying Treatment, Hahna Patterson, Casey Mace Firebaugh, Tara Rava Zolnikov, Rebecca Wardlow, Stephanie M. Morgan, and Brett Gordon (Article)


Halogen Bonding of Organoiodines and Triiodide Anions in (NMe3Ph)+ Salts, Andrew J. Peloquin, Khadijatul Kobra, Yuxuan Li, Colin D. McMillen, and William T. Pennington (Article)


Isolation of Hydrazine Oxidation Products via Halogen Bonding: C–I Bond Scission and Crystal Polymorphism, Andrew J. Peloquin, Khadijatul Kobra, Colin D. McMillen, Scott T. Iacono, and William T. Pennington (Article)


Crystal Engineering Using Polyiodide Halogen and Chalcogen Bonding to Isolate the Phenothiazinium Radical Cation and Its Rare Dimer, 10‐(3‐Phenothiazinylidene)phenothiazinium, Andrew J. Peloquin, Colin D. McMillen, Scott T. Iacono, and William T. Pennington (Article)


Halogen and Chalcogen Bonding Between the Triphenylphosphine Chalcogenides (Ph3P=E; E=O, S, Se) and Iodofluorobenzenes, Andrew J. Peloquin, Colin D. McMillen, Scott T. Iacono, and William T. Pennington (Article)


The Current Chinese Global Supply Chain Monopoly and the Covid-19 Pandemic, George R. Rapciewicz and Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Synthesis, Characterization, and Thermal Properties of Fluoropyridyl-Functionalized Siloxanes of Diverse Polymeric Architectures, Kevin A. Stewart, Dylan Shuster, Maria Leising, Isaac Coolidge, Erica Lee, Charles Stevens, Andrew J. Peloquin, Daniel Kure, Abby R. Jennings, and Scott T. Iacono (Article)


The association between medical students' motivation with learning environment, perceived academic rank, and burnout, Ronen Zalts, Nathaniel Green, Sean Tackett, and Robert Lubin (Article)

Submissions from 2020


Cognitive Neuroscience Contribution to Police Officer Fitness for Duty Assessment: 2 Case Examples, Stephen E. Berger, Bina Parekh, Michael Berger, and Carolyn Ortega (Article)


African American Young Adult Women's Stories About Love: What I Want in a Long-Term Partner, Jada E. Brooks and Darren D. Moore (Article)


Correlation of Structure with Crystalline to Amorphous Phase Transitions of 1,3,6-Substituted Fulvene-Derived Molecular Glasses, Loren C. Brown, Andrew J. Peloquin, Nicholas P. Godman, Gary J. Balaich, and Scott T. Iacono (Article)


A Critical Evaluation of the Estonian Cyber Incident, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Does Digital Terrorism Really Exist, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Is the Onion Router a Secure Network?, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


Should an Online Blogger Be Protected by the Illinois Reporter’s Privilege?, Donald L. Buresh (Article)


The Model Penal Code and the Sexual Conduct of Police Officers While on Duty, Donald L. Buresh (Article)

Will an e-discovery cause an “undue burden”?, Donald L. Buresh (Article)