Submissions from 2018
Success in the STEM Curricula, Nirupama Narayanan and Robin Sturtz (Article)
Dialogism and Human Drama in T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land, Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
Dve Storony Medali: Kniga Stikhov [Two Sides of One Medal: Book of Poems] (2nd ed.), Ian E. Probstein (Book)
Dzhon Eshberi i N'yu-Yorkskaya shkola [John Ashbury and the New York School (Part I)], Ian E. Probstein (Article)
Moroka [A Spell], Ian E. Probstein (Book)
N'yu-Yorkskaya Shkola, Chast' III. Ted Berrigen i Elis Notli [New York School, Part III. Ted Berrigan and Alice Notley], Ian E. Probstein (Article)
N'yu-Yorkskaya Shkola, Chast' II. Kokh i Skayler [New York School, Part II. Koch and Skyler], Ian E. Probstein (Article)
Poems by Dmitry Strotsev, Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
Poems by Gregory (Gershon) Trestman, Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
"Sailing to Byzantium": Chronotype and the Motive of Wandering in the Poetry of W. B. Yeats, Osip Mandelstam, Ezra Pound, and Wallace Stevens, Ian E. Probstein (Article)
Submissions from 2017
Battle for Dominion Over Time: War of the Calendars in Thailand, Ronald J. Brown (Article)
Out of the Blue: New Short Fiction from Iceland, Helen Mitsios (Book)
Powered by Prezi, Nirupama Narayanan (Article)
Adriyenna Rich. Variatsii v Pustote [Adrienne Rich: Variations in the Void], Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
Amsterdam Jews, Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
Charles Bernstein [Poems], Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
Charl'z Simik: Puteshestviye na Kiferu [Charles Simik: Journey to Kiefer], Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
Derek Uolkott. Imena dlya izgnannogo Adama [Derek Walcott: Names for the exiled Adam], Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
Dve Storony Medali: Kniga Stikhov [Two Sides of One Medal: Book of Poems], Ian E. Probstein (Book)
Dzhon Beyli: Alkionovy Postroyeniya [John Bailey: Halcyon Structures], Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
Emily Dickinson: Ni Odin Uyelovek ne Videl Uzhasa i Tot v Svoy Dom [No Man Saw Awe, Nor to His House], Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
Emily Dickinson: Ot Pustoty k Pustote — [From Blank to Blank —], Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
Emily Dickinson: Ottenok Kotorogo Mne ne Vzyat' Luchshiy [The Tint I Cannot Take—is Best—], Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
Frenk Raymond Livis: Retsenziya na Sbornik “Inyye Vremena”: [Frank Raymond Leavis: Review of the Collection "Another Time"], Ian E. Probstein (Book Review)
“I Have Beaten Out My Exile”: The Perception of Ezra Pound’s Poetry in Russia, Ian E. Probstein (Article)
O Travme Osventsima, GULAGa I Likhikh 1990-kh "Ekzistentsial'naya Chestnost'" I Poetizatsiya Stradaniy [On the Trauma of Auschwitz, the Gulag and the Dashing 1990s "Existential Honesty" and Poetizing Suffering], Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
Paradoksy Odiena [Auden’s Paradoxes], Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
Poems, Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
Poems, Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
Poems by Innokenty Annensky, Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
Sirena [A Siren], Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
The River of Time: Time-Space, History, and Language in Avant-Garde, Modernist, and Contemporary Russian and Anglo-American Poetry, Ian E. Probstein (Book)
Thomas Lovell Beddoes: Pesn' Stigiyskikh Nayad [Song of Stygian Naiads], Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
Uisten KH'yu Oden: Put' k Sebe [Wysten Hugh Auden: The Road to Self], Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
W. H. Auden [Poems], Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
W. H. Auden: Stroki Napisannyye v Unynii [Lines Written in Dejection], Ian E. Probstein (Poem)
Pamyati Dzhona Eshberi [In Memory of John Ashbery], Ian E. Probstein and Arkady Dragomoschenko (Poem)
Dzhon Eshberi: Stikhi [John Ashbery: Poems], Ian E. Probstein and Anton Nesterov (Poem)
Synesthetic Photisms and Hypnagogic Visions: A Comparison, Carol Steen (Article)
Submissions from 2016
Divine Providence and Free Will, Stanley Boylan (Letter to the Editor)
Hidden in Plain Sight: An Ur-Text of Pirkei Avot Derived from Avot de Rabbi Nathan (ARN), Stanley Boylan (Poster)
How New York City Invented the Holiday Season: The Rise and Fall of the World’s First Global Holiday, Ronald J. Brown (Article)
Measuring Commuters' Satisfaction: The Case of Railway Passengers in Bangladesh, Mohammed Chowdhury, Zahurul Alam, and Sharmeen Ahmed (Article)
Relationship Between Sustainable Environmental Practices and Sustainable Value Creation: A Conceptual Study on Readymade Garments Industry of Bangladesh, Mohammed Chowdhury, Zahurul Alam, and Mizanur Rahaman Chowdhury (Article)
Journal of Places: Hudson Valley, Southern Indiana, State of Nayarit on the Pacific Coast of Mexico, Brenda Coultas (Poem)
Charles Bernstein: Sign Under Test (I. E. Probstein, Trans.) [Mobile application software], Ian Probstein (Software)
Transsegmental'noye Plavaniye [Transsegmental Drift], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Sinestesia en El Arte, Carol Steen (Article)
Spotlight on Science: Carol Steen, Carol Steen (Article)
Submissions from 2015
Paraguay As a Holy Land: From the Guarani Indians to Reverend Sun Myung Moon, Ronald J. Brown (Article)
Tertiary Public Education in Bangladesh: A Look Into Quality Issues and Constraints, Mohammed Chowdhury, Abu Nasar Mohammad Abdul Mabood, and Zahurul Alam (Article)
Animations, Brenda Coultas (Poem)
Efficient Generation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Corneal Endothelial Cells by Directed Differentiation, Kathryn McCabe, Noelia J. Kunzevitzky, Brian P. Chiswell, Xin Xia, Jeffrey L. Goldberg, and Robert Lanza (Article)
Forgiveness, Helen Mitsios (Poem)
From the Kitchen Window, Helen Mitsios (Poem)
If Black Had a Shadow, Helen Mitsios (Book)
Letter From Helen of Troy to Her Husband Menelaus, Helen Mitsios (Poem)
Letting Go, Helen Mitsios (Poem)
Like Serge and Jane in Paris, Helen Mitsios (Poem)
Napoleon and Josephine, Helen Mitsios (Poem)
Paris Ghosts, Helen Mitsios (Poem)
Prague by Night, Helen Mitsios (Poem)
Reluctant Trust, Helen Mitsios (Poem)
Wittgenstein Takes a Walk Under the Stars, Helen Mitsios (Poem)
Caffeination With Classroom Activities: Breaking Monotony of Lectures, Nirupama Narayanan (Article)
A Bylo l' Vremya [Was There a Time], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Alexander Kabanov. [Poems], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Bylo — stalo: istoricheskiye arabeski [It was — it is. Historical arabesques], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Charles Bernstein: "Of Time and the Line.", Ian Probstein (Article)
Chto sdelal Uitmen? Chast' II [What did Whitman do? Part II], Ian Probstein (Article)
Chto sdelal Uitmen? [What did Whitman do?], Ian Probstein (Article)
Dilan Tomas: Novyy Perevod [Dylan Thomas: New Translation], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Elegiya [Elegy], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Emili Dikinson (1830-1886) [Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Emili Dikinson: Stolitsa Razuma [Emily Dickinson: Capital Intelligence], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Epokha Paunda. K 130-letiyu so Dnya Rozhdeniya Ezry Paunda (1885–1972) [The Pound Era: The 130th Anniversary of Ezra Pound (1885-1972)], Ian Probstein (Article)
Ezra Paund (1885 - 1972) – Plavaniye za Znaniyem: Canto XLVII [Ezra Pound (1885-1972) – Swimming for Knowledge: Canto XLVII], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Fern Khill [Fern Hill], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Inkarnatsiya D'yavola [Incarnate Devil], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Innokenty Annensky [Poems], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Iz Novykh Stikhov [From the New Poems], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Kak Zver' Vo Mne Pereneset [How Shall My Animal], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Krug Bytiya [Circle of Being], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Leley Svet [Foster the Light], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Lovit So Shpilya Slukh [Ears in the Turrets Hear], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Marianna Mur: Stikhotvoreniya [Marianne Moore: Poems], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Mezhdu Pervoy Likhoradkoy I Chumoy Lyubv [From Love's First Fever to Her Plague], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Nauchit'sya Lyubvi [Learning to Love], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Nina Iskrenko [Poems], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Odissey Vernetsya [Odysseus Will Return], Ian Probstein (Poem)
O Sdelayte Masku Mne [O Make Me a Mask], Ian Probstein (Poem)
O Vere i Dukhovnosti v Poezii [On Faith and Spirituality in Poetry], Ian Probstein (Article)
O Verevke V Dome Poveshennykh [About a Rope in the House of the Hanged], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Plot' Na Kostyakh Ishchi [Find Meat on Bones], Ian Probstein (Poem)
[Poems], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Poems From the Book A Heavy Lyre (1922), Ian Probstein (Poem)
Poetry by Benjamin Blazhennyi, Ian Probstein (Poem)
Poetry by Elena Shvarts, Ian Probstein (Poem)
Poetry by Roald Mandelstam, Ian Probstein (Poem)