Submissions from 2015
Poeziya Kak Inakomysliye [Poetry as Dissent], Ian Probstein (Article)
Prekrasnoye Plenyayet Navsegda: Dzhon Kits (1795-1821) [A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever: John Keats (1795-1821)], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Prolog Avtora [Author's Prologue], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Pushinka Bytiya [A Fluff of Being], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Roald Mandelstam [Poems], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Rozhdennaya So Znaniyem [Born with knowledge], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Russkiy Futurizm I Avangard [Russian Futurism and Avant–Garde], Ian Probstein (Article)
Sil'viya Plat: Lichnyy blitskrig [Sylvia Plath: Personal blitzkrieg], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Siyat' Li Fonaryam [Should Lanterns Shine], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Stikhotvoreniya Angliyskikh I Amerikanskikh Poetov O Vtoroy Mirovoy Voyne V Perevodakh [Poems of British and American Poets of World War II in Translation], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Stikhotvoreniya [Poems], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Stikhotvoreniya [Poems], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Svidetel'stvo Poezii: Cheslav Milosh [Certificate of Poetry: On Czeslaw Milosz], Ian Probstein (Article)
Ta Moshch', Chto Skvoz' Zelenyy Plast Tsvetok Tolkayet Vverkh [The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Togda Moy Neofit [Then Was My Neophyte], Ian Probstein (Poem)
T.S. Eliot ob Hstorii [T. S. Eliot on History], Ian Probstein (Article)
Uisten KH'yu Oden: Temnyye gody [W. H. Auden: The dark years], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Uolles Stivens (1879-1955) [Wallace Stevens (1879-1955)], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Uolles Stivens: Stikhotvoreniya [Wallace Stevens: Poems], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Usni, Stradalets, Lyag [Lie Still, Sleep Becalmed], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Utrachennyye Vospominaniya [Lost Memories], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Vesna Svyashchennaya [Holy Spring], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Vnachale [In the Beginning], Ian Probstein (Poem)
V Proloy Pechali [A Grief Ago], Ian Probstein (Poem)
V Sey Den' s Sim Nasekomym [To-day, This Insect], Ian Probstein (Poem)
V Shcholki Glaz, v Ambrazury Svet [In the Eye Slits, Loopholes in the Light], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Zhizn'-Otryvnoy Kalendar'... [Life is a Loose-Leaf Calendar...], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Poetry Therapy, Sherry Reiter (Article)
Writing the Darkness: A Transformative Writing Model, Sherry Reiter (Book Chapter)
President Truman and the Jewish DPs, 1945-46: The Untold Story, Melvin Schiff (Article)
Submissions from 2014
Poeziya [Poetry], C. Cedars, E. Katsyuba, A. Motsar, Kudryavitsky, Ian Probstein, E. Galinovsky, and N. Daminova (Poem)
Understanding Employee Motivation: The Case of Non-Teaching Staff of a Public University, Mohammed Chowdhury, Zahurul Alam, and Sharmeen Ahmed (Article)
A Comparative Analysis Between the Nile Valley’s Liberal Arts Tradition and the Development of Western Education, William S. Cook (Article)
The Tatters, Brenda Coultas (Book)
Measuring Customer's Satisfaction on Bus Transportation, Rabiul Islam, Mohammed S. Chowdhury, Mohammad Sumann Sarker, and Salauddin Ahmed (Article)
Kniga Hil'dy: Kniga Junosheskih Stihov Jezry Paunda [On the Poems from Hilda's Book: Ezra Pound's Early Poems], Irina Kovaleva, Vladimir Mikushevich, and Ian Probstein (Poem)
Building Resilience in the Face of Loss and Irrelevance: Poetic Methods for Personal and Professional Transformation, Erik A. Kreuter and Sherry Reiter (Article)
Beneath the Ice: An Anthology of Contemporary Icelandic Poetry, Helen Mitsios (Book)
Examining Influence of DNA Methylation and Deamination on Genomic Evolution: Spotlight Thermus Thermophilus, Nirupama Narayanan, Matthew Levy, and John M. Greally (Article)
Always the Wedding Dance, Baruch November (Poem)
Auschwitz This Evening, Baruch November (Poem)
In Occupied France, Baruch November (Poem)
Accidental Arson, Ian Probstein (Poem)
A Gust of Wind Rushes in Circles, Ian Probstein (Poem)
Anachronismos, Ian Probstein (Poem)
Arkheologu 30 Veka [To the Archeaologist of the 30th Century], Ian Probstein (Poem)
A Runic Ballad, Ian Probstein (Poem)
Avtoportret v Vypuklom Zerkale [Self Portrait in a Convex Mirror], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Between Noughts and Crosses, Ian Probstein (Poem)
Catilina, Ian Probstein (Poem)
Charl'za Bernstina (r. 1950) [Charles Bernstein (b. 1950)], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Charl'z Bernstin [Charles Bernstein], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Charl'z Bernstin [Charles Bernstein], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Dilan Tomas. Sorvali Solntse, Skoshen Veter [Dylan Thomas. They Tore out the Sun and Brought Down the Wind], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Dilan Tomas: Stikhotvoreniya [Dylan Thomas: Poems], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Dzherard Menli Khopkins (1844-1889) [Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889)], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Dzherard Menli Khopkins. More i Zhavoronok. Stikhi [Gerard Manley Hopkins. Sea and Bird. Poems], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Dzhona Kitsa (1795–1821) [John Keats (1795-1821)], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Dzhon Eshberi. Svyashchennyye i Mirskiye Tantsy. Stikhi [John Ashbery. Sacred and Secular Dances. Poems], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Edvina Estlina Kammingsa (1894–1962) [Edwin Estlin Cummings (1894-1962)], Ian Probstein (Poem)
FFF (Three Forte), Ian Probstein (Poem)
Fragile Glassy Sheaf of Straw, Ian Probstein (Poem)
Gljadja v Vypukloe Zerkalo [Looking in the Convex Mirror], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Gordiev Uzel [Gordian knot], Ian Probstein (Book)
Gostinyi Dvor Department Store, Ian Probstein (Poem)
I Ask You to Forget Me Completely in This World, Ian Probstein (Poem)
I Don't Know, I Can't Explain..., Ian Probstein (Poem)
If I Loved My Body, Ian Probstein (Poem)
If the Day is Done, Ian Probstein (Poem)
In a Dusty Passage of the Palace, Ian Probstein (Poem)
Ispytaniye Znaka: Perevody iz Charl'za Bernstina [Trial of the Sign: Translations from Charles Bernstein], Ian Probstein (Poem)
"Istorija, Real'nost'...": Vremja v Tvorchestve Mandel'shtama ["Full of Space and Time ...": History, Reality, Time and Space in the Work of Mandelstam], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Iz Rannikh Stikhov i Stikhi iz Knigi "Ariel" [Of the Early Poems and Verses from the Book "Ariel"], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Iz Sovremennoy Amerikanskoy Poezii [Of Contemporary American Poetry], Ian Probstein (Poem)
"Ja Vernus' Molodym Chudodeem..." ["I'll Return as a Young Wizard..."], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Karty merkatora: Yan Probshteyn. Rech' kak parol' [Mercator's Map: Ian Probstein. Speech as a Password], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Legkaya Vesna [Light Spring], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Maestro, Ian Probstein (Poem)
"Moj Neprikajannyj Pokoj". O Pojezii Nikolaja Shatrova (1929-1977) [My Restless Peace. On the Poetry of Nikolaj Shatrov (1929-1977)], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Nerazmennoe Nebo [On Russian Meta-Metaphoric Poets], Ian Probstein (Article)
Nika, Ian Probstein (Poem)
Oduhotvorennaja Zemlja. O pojezii S. V. Petrova [Spiritualized Soil. On the Poetry of S. V. Petrov], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Pereklichka s Soboy [Roll Call with Oneself], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Perevody: Ezra Paund [Translation: Ezra Pound], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Persi Bishi Shelli (1792-1822) [Percy Bysshe Shelley 1792-1822], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Petersburg, Ian Probstein (Poem)
Poem of Departure, Ian Probstein (Poem)
[Poems], Ian Probstein (Poem)
[Poems], Ian Probstein (Poem)
[Poems], Ian Probstein (Poem)
[Poems], Ian Probstein (Poem)
Poetry by Alexander Kabanov, Ian Probstein (Poem)
Poetry by Georgy Ivanov, Ian Probstein (Poem)
Romantiki Kak Predtechi Modernizma [Romantics as Precursors of Modernism], Ian Probstein (Article)
Sandglass, Ian Probstein (Poem)
Sirventes, Ian Probstein (Poem)
Someone's Rightness is Boring, My Own Doesn't Bother Me as Before, Ian Probstein (Poem)
Stikhi [Poems], Ian Probstein (Poem)