
Submissions from 2021


Translations of the Russian poet, Pushkin’s contemporary Evgeny Baratynsky (1800-1844) and Boris Pasternak’s poem “The Feasts”, Ian Probstein (Presentation)

“A Prayer for Cats and Dogs,” “Gogol,” “Poem of Departure,” “A Madhouse,” “That Night I Failed to Call Pasternak,” “Sandglass Shows Time as if All Arguments and Wars,” “In Every Alley Cat, in Every Stray Dog,” “Is a Corpse Afraid of the Dead?” “I Don’t Remember When This Light in Me Was First Lit…” “It Is so Nice to Be in a Madhouse” in a Multilingual Book of Poems by Benjamin Blazhenny Aisenshtadt (1921–1999) Dedicated to His 100th Birthday Anniversary, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Bilingual Poetry Issue: "It Looks Like We Don't Like What Is Unlike," "Muse's Amazement on Zoom," "We Are Approaching the Frontline…" "The Footprints of Time", Ian E. Probstein (Article)


Bilingual Poetry: “It Looks Like We Don’t Like What Is Unlike,” “Muse’s Amazement on Zoom,” We Are Approaching the Frontline…” “The Footprints of Time,”, Ian E. Probstein (Article)


Charles Bernstein: Avant-Garde Is a Constant Renewal, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Introduction and Selection of Jerome Rothenberg’s (B. in 1931) Poems. Introduction and Selection of the Translation of Jerome Rothenberg’s (B. in 1931). Poems “Poland 1931/ The Wedding,” “Dos Geshray (The Scream),” “Dibbukim (Dibbiks),” “Der Gilgul (The Possessed),” “ That Dada String,” “A Poem for the Cruel Majority,” “The Case for Memory,” “The Praise of the Bantu Kings,” “The Water of the Flower Mill,” “That Dada Strain,” “Self-Portrait with Arshile Gorky and Gertrude Stein,” “The Structural Study of Myth,” “The Poem Aleph,” “A Scenario,” “At the Castle,” “I Give Up My Identity,” “For Diana”, Ian E. Probstein (Article)


Introduction and Selections From Stanzas in Meditation, Gertrude Stein, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Introduction and Translation of Gertrude Stein's Stanzas in Editation From Books I and II and Complete Book IV, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

New Perspectives [Novye Perspektivy]. a Selection of New Poems in Russian, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

“October Has Already Stepped On..”, “All Utopians Are Drowned…”,“We Are All Latent Carriers…”, “Idealist Oscar Wilde Once Said…”, “People Choose Their Rulers…”, “Variations on a Theme”, “We Are Short of Breath and Spirit…”, “The Minds Are Overwhelmed with Doubt and Tumult…”, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

On Peculiar Surrealism and Other Modernist Features in John Ashbery’s Poetry, Ian E. Probstein (Article)


On the Poets of San–Francisco Renaissance Robert Duncan (1918–1988), Jack Spicer (1925–1965), and Robin Blaser (1925–2009)., Ian E. Probstein (Article)

On W. H. Auden’s the Age of Anxiety, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Original Poems Translated by the Author: “If One Avoids Speaking About the Rope,” “Time Has No Time for Time,” “A Verse Hits Against the Ineffable,” “The End of the World at the End of the Earth,” “Granny, Do You Remember the War?” “A Parable”, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Poems “The Double,” “I Loved but Only Virtually,” “Light” (“As if Staggering, Drunk”), “Narratives with Cool Plots, ‘Fastening Tightly the Belts,’ Theme with Variations,” “Only in Dreams the Boundary Is Erased…,” “We Enter the Mirrors Not to Return…”, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

The Second Generation of the New York School: Essay and the Translation of the Poems by Ron Padgett, Joe Brainard, Michael Palmer, Charles Simic, and James Tate, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

"The Topsy–Turvy World of Charles Bernstein": Introduction and Selection of the Translation of Charles Bernstein's Poems From the New Book Topsy–Turvy: “Shelter in Place,” “If Sapho Were a UFO,” “Zeno’s Way,” “Ars Poetica,” “Beeline,” “Riddle,” “Screwball Tragedy,” “Testament,” “Explanation,” “For Real,” “Intaglio,” “Line?”, “It’s Not My Bag,” “Philosophy of Language,” “No Then There Then,” “They Also Serve Who Wade,” “You Throw Like a Pearl,” “At Pessoa’s Grave,” “Buster Keaton’s Sleeve,” “Where You There When They Crucified Our Lord?”, “To Make Matters Worse,” “As if by Moonlight,” “I Know My Redeemer Liveth,” “Ars Impotens,” “Clouds After Rain,” “Anti-Metaphysical Poem,” “Heaven Lake,” “The Darkness He Called Night,” “Turn Off Your Poetry Blocker,” “Affect Theory,” “Covidity,” “From Duplexities,” “The Wreck of Hope,” “Duplexity.”, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation From Byelorussian the Poems of Ales’ Ryazanov (1948–2021) : “Miracle,” “Road Signs,” My Godmother’s Gift,” “A Blind Artist,” “Hunting in a Paradise Valley”, Ian E. Probstein (Article)


Translation Into Russian of Jerome Rothenberg’s Poems: From Lorca Variations: “IV. More Clocks,” “VII. Water,” “XV. Waterjets,” “The Return,” “Coda: The Final Lorca Variation”; From Poland/1931 “Mothers”; From Khurbn: “…Passing Chelmno on the Main Road Driving Past It…” “Hidden in Woods Bagged,” “Der Magilas Fun Aushvits (The Scrolls of Auschwitz,” “Der Vidershtand (The Resistance).”, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of 11 Poems of Arsen Mirzayev: “Contemporary Poets”, “All the Writers on Earth…” for Nikolay Dronnikov, “For the Museum of Vadim Sidur,” “The Music of the Conversation”, “Show Me Your Poem!” “Death in Paris”, “Dalai Lama,” “Versicane", Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of 4 Poems of Alexei Alyokhin: Alyokhin: “The Fourth Muse,” “The Measure of All Things,” “The Sonnet of a Wheelbarrow,” “Exile”, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of 6 Poems of Danila Davydov: Davydov: “Not to Refute Oneself…” “I Have Been in Hell…” “Geometry/ Should Be Responsible for Humanity…” “When I Lectured…” “Big Heart…’ “When I See in a Late Interview of Nabokov…", Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of a Selection of Poems by the American Poet Charles Simic (B. 1936): “Charon’s Cosmology,” “Watch Repair,” “Stone,” “Old Couple,” “Eyes Fastened with Pins,” “Eastern European Cooking.”, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of Ezra Pound’s Poems "Grace Before Song", "Song in the Manner of Housman," "Melrin," "The House of Splendor" (From "Un Drang"), Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of HD (Hilda Doolittle)’s Poems: "Helen" and "Eurydice", Ian E. Probstein (Article)


Translation of Jerome Rothenberg's "Arshil Gorky Variations", Ian E. Probstein (Article)


Translation of Jerome Rothenberg’s “Arshil Gorky Variations”, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of Jerome Rothenberg's (B. 1931) Cycle Russian Scenes and Icons From the Field on Mars, Ian E. Probstein (Article)


Translation of Jerome Rothenberg’s (B. 1931) Cycle Russian Scenes and Icons From the Field on Mars, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of Jerome Rothenberg's "Lorca Variations": "Lorca Spain: A Homage," "XXVIII. for Turtles." XXXIV. "A Book of Hours", Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of Jerome Rothenberg's "Lorka Variations", Ian E. Probstein (Article)


Translation of Jerome Rothenberg’s “Lorka Variations”, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of Jerome Rothenberg’s "Paradise of Poets", Ian E. Probstein (Article)


Translation of Jerome Rothenberg’s “Paradise of Poets”, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of Jerome Rothenberg’s Poems: From Lorca Variations: "IV. More Clocks," "VII. Water," "XV. Waterjets," "The Return," "Coda: The Final Lorca Variation"; From Poland/1931 "Mothers"; From Khurbn: "…Passing Chelmno on the Main Road Driving Past It…" "Hidden in Woods Bagged," "Der Magilas Fun Aushvits (The Scrolls of Auschwitz," "Der Vidershtand (The Resistance)", Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of Jerome Rothenberg’s Poems: From Triptych (From I. Poland /1931): "The Key of Solomon," "Satan in Goray," "The Connoisseur of Jews" From II. Khurbn: "Dibbukim (Dibbiks)," "Der Viderschtand (The Resistance)" From III the Burning Babe: "For the God of Europe. Poems with Variations & Coda," "Nedjar's Angels," "New Altar Pieces 2006." From New Poems: "A Rediscovered Poem: 'Rhyme / By Rhyme / Unsealed,'" "Untitled, ('The Presence of the Dead')," From the Book the Mystery of False Attachments: 'No World More Clearer,' 'I Open Up,' 'I Am a Question at /the Universe,' 'Hand in Hand the Dead Walk in a Line,' 'Eager to Break Thru Language,' '“I” Is the First Word Spoken,' 'The Calculus of Two Plus Two,' 'History Is Over,' 'Angels Are Cast Aside,' 'In the Wat Words Rhyme,' 'I Have a Feeling That…' 'I Bear a Hundred Names,' 'The Mystery Is All Contained,' 'From Friend to Friend the Voice Comes,' 'Those Who Have Gone Before Me,' 'The President of Desolation,' 'A Small Poem,' 'A Book of the Book: A Gathering of Fragments for Steve Clay’s 70th Birthday", Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of Jerome Rothenberg’s the Pound Project, a Selection of 16 Poems in Response to Ezra Pound’s Poems and Cantos, Ian E. Probstein (Article)


Translation of Poems by Robert Duncan (1918–1988): “Tribal Memories. Passages 1-7, 28”, Jack Spicer (1925–1965): “Orfeo,” “Imagine Lucifer,” “Any Fool Can Get Into an Ocean,” “Lament for the Makers,” “The Book of Galahad,” “Thing Language,” “Sporting Life,” “I Hear a Banging on the Door of the Night,” and Robin Blaser (1925–2009): “The Hunger of Sound,” “The Finder,” “Suddenly” (I Live in a Room Named East)” “'The Universe Is Part of Ourselves’” “The Ruler “ “AH.” “The Truth Is Laughter,” “A Bird in the House.”, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of Robert Duncan’s "Dante Études" (From Book One): "Duncan’s Preface," "We Will Endeavor," "Secondary Is Grammar," "A Little Language," "To Speak My Mind," "Everything Speaks to Me," "In the Way of a Question," "Speech Directed," "Enricht in the Increment," "The Individual Man," "Of Empire", Ian E. Probstein (Article)


Translation of Robert Duncan’s “Dante Études” (From Book One): Duncan’s “Preface,” “We Will Endeavor,” “Secondary Is Grammar,” “A Little Language,” “To Speak My Mind,” “Everything Speaks to Me,” “In the Way of a Question,” “Speech Directed,” “Enricht in the Increment,” “The Individual Man,” “Of Empire.”, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of Robert Duncan’s "Dante Études" (From Book One): "Of Empire," "The Meaning of Each Particular," "The Whole Potentiality," "The Work," "The Household," "Let Him First Drink of the Fountain," "And Though They Have No Vowel," "Letting the Beat Go," From Book Two: "A Hard Task in Truth," "Lovely," "The Only Rule", Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of the Poems "Blues for Byzantium" by Clayton Eshleman (1935–2021) and "Byzantium" by W. B. Yeats, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of the Poems by Danila Davydov, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of the Poems by Dmitry Chernyshev: "Magus King Walks Across India," "Op. № 08.178. Moving," "Self-Fulfilling Prophecy," "You — Know the Secret," "Magi–King", Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of the Poems by Dmitry Strotsev: The Golden Age of Harmony and Freedom” “Editor’s Column,” “A Poet Like Anyone Else…", Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of the Poems by Igor Kholin (1920–1999), Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of the Poems by Ivan Akhmetiev, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of the Poems by Konstantin Kedrov, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of the Poems by Nikolay Mileshkin: "Making Love. Praying," "Even the Windows of the Houses," "A Shabby Grave," "Zvenigirod," "Metro Station South-West", Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of the Poems by Robert Duncan (1918–1988): "Tribal Memories. Passages 1-7, 28", Jack Spicer (1925–1965); "Orfeo," "Imagine Lucifer," "Any Fool Can Get Into an Ocean," "Lament for the Makers," "The Book of Galahad," "Thing Language," "Sporting Life," "I Hear a Banging on the Door of the Night," and Robin Blaser (1925–2009): "The Hunger of Sound," "The Finder," "Suddenly" (I Live in a Room Named East)" " 'The Universe Is Part of Ourselves"’ "The Ruler" "AH." "The Truth Is Laughter," "A Bird in the House", Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of the Poems by Robert Southwell (1561?–1595) and Jerome Rothenberg (B. 1931): “The Burning Babe” and Jerome Rothenberg’s (B. 1931) “The Burning Babe” and “Weddings” (From Poland 1931), Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of the Poems by Tatiana Mikhaylovskaya: "I'm Not to Be Found in Classmates.Ru," "Among the Books — I'm Happy," "Rubbish Heap…" "Railway Station...," "Along the Road…," "A Telegraph Pole Crashed Down on a Pine-Tree…" "White, Oh White Birch Trees…", Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of the Poems by Vsevolod Nekrasov (1934–2009), Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of the Poems by Yefim Berenshtein: "Who Are You, Girl," "How He Dared," "There Are Very Many," "Without You," "From Patmos", Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of the Poems of Anna Alchuk (1955–2008): “Leaving the Orbi…” for Ache-Jority of Writers…”, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of the Poems of Arvo Mets (1937–1997): “Young Girls,” “Autumn Strolls,” “You and Me,” “A Personality Is an Instant,” “I’m Disappearing Into the Spring,” “Tree Rings, “ “A Stray Dog,” “Girls Are…” “In the Reading Hall,” “Hanging Washed Swaddling Clothes…” “How Much Does a Man Need?”, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translation of the Poems of Igor Kholin (1920–1999): “Everything Was Breathing Near the Sea…” “Roles.” “In a Small Room”, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

Translations of the Poems by Andrey Bauman: "Names," "The Birth of Speech," and "Fields", Ian E. Probstein (Article)


David Shrayer–Petrov’s Drums of Fate [Barabany Sud’by Davida Shrayera–Petrova]. the Parallel Universes of David Shrayer-Petrov. [Параллельные вселенные Давида Шраера-Петрова]., Ian E. Probstein, Roman Katsman, Maxim D. Shrayer, and Klavdia Smola (Book Chapter)


David Shrayer–Petrov’s Drums of Fate [Barabany Sud’by Davida Shrayera–Petrova], The Parallel Universes of David Shrayer-Petrov [Параллельные вселенные Давида Шраера-Петрова], Ian E. Probstein, R. Katsman, K. Smola, and M. Shrayer (Book Chapter)


Foreword, Sherry Reiter (Book Chapter)

Hypnagogic Visions: Aluminum Dye Sublimation Prints, Carol Steen (Article)

Painting with Shuman Piano Quintet Op.44 Performed by Martha Argerich Quintet, Carol Steen (Article)

Submissions from 2020


Anna Al’chuk (1955–2008) Translation from Russian of the prominent Russian avant–guard poet. “leaving the orbi,” “for ache-jority of writers.”, Anna Al’chuk and Ian E. Probstein (Poem)

Sign Under Test: Selected Poems and Essays, Charles Berstein and Ian E. Probstein (Book)


Translation into Russian of Asylum, a long poem (1975), “Autonomy is Jeopardy” (from Republics of Reality, 1975–1995), How Empty is My Bread Pudding (from Reacalculating, 2013), “Why I Am Not a Hyppie”, “I Used to Be a Plastic Bottle”, “S’i’ fosse” (after Cecco Angiolieri), “All Poetry is Loco,” Apoplexy, a long poem, “God’s Silence”, “My Luck” (from Near/Miss, 2019), “Affect Theory,” “Clouds After Rain” (from new poems, 2019), Charles Berstein and Ian E. Probstein (Poem)


Translation into Russian of “Love Me, I am Liberal”, Charles Berstein and Ian E. Probstein (Poem)


Translation into Russian of “Our United Fates”, “MLA Ballad”, Charles Berstein and Ian E. Probstein (Poem)


The Impact of Ethics on Organizational Performance: The Case of Private Commercial Banks of Bangladesh, Mohammed Chowdhury and Zahurul Alam (Article)


The Impact Of Ethics On Organizational Performance: The Case Of Private Commercial Banks Of Bangladesh, Mohammed S. Chowdhury and Zahurul Alam (Article)


Translation into Russian of Emily Dickinson’s poems to the 190th Birth Anniversary: “We grow accustomed to the Dark” (419J), “This is my letter to the World” (441J), “ Because I could not stop for Death “ (471 J), “I fear a Man of frugal Speech” (543), “The Bible is an antique Volume” (545), “From Blank to Blank” (761), “My Life had stood — a Loaded Gun” (764 J),“As One does Sickness over” (957), “"Unto Me?" I do not know you” (964), “We never know how high we are“ (1176), “The Treason of an accent” (1358), “By homely gift and hindered Words” (1563), “No man saw awe, nor to his house” (1733), Emily Dickinson and Ian E. Probstein (Poem)


Translation into English of the poems by Vladimir Gertsyk (1936–2019): “Verse libre,” “You own only that,“ “Kids were running along a slope,” “A Dream,” “The Wonder of Perception,” “A poem.”, Vladimir Gertsyk and Ian E. Probstein (Poem)


5 Out of Print Books to Read This Summer, Helen Mitsios (Book Review)


Book Review: Byron, by Frederic Raphael, Helen Mitsios (Book Review)


Book Review: Pocahontas: The Life and the Legend, by Frances Mossiker, Helen Mitsios (Book Review)


Book Review: Serotonin, by Michel Houellebecq (translated by Shaun Whiteside), Helen Mitsios (Book Review)


Book Review: This is Shakespeare, by Emma Smith, Helen Mitsios (Book Review)

The Grand Tour, Helen Mitsios (Book)


Bilingual Poetry Reading, Ian Probstein (Poem)


On the gleaming authorship and temptations of translation, Ian Probstein (Presentation)


Presentation of the book Izbytok Bytiya [A Surplus of Being]. A book of poems in Russian, Ian Probstein (Presentation)


resentation in honor of the Poet Dmitry Strotsev (arrested by the Belorussian authorities) and Belarussian resistance to the totalitarian rule, Ian Probstein (Poem)


“A Double,” “I loved you but only virtually,” “Variations on a Theme”, Ian E. Probstein (Poem)

“Avant-guard is a permanent renewal”, Ian E. Probstein (Article)


Conversation with Charles Bernstein on Liberalism, Ian E. Probstein (Article)


Coronaverse: The poems of Our Time: My otnyne vse koronovany [We are now all crowned], Paradox, [Kak budto iz mlechnosti] “As if from Milk-ness”, Voyut sireny I voyut sobaki [Sirens are howling and dogs are howling], Nautro rastsveli narcissi [Daffodils bloomed in the morning], My zhivyem v parallel’nykh mirakh [we live in parallel worlds], Vsya eta ispoved’ v ispodnyem [All that confession in underwear], Komendantskii chas [Curfew], Tuba Mirum, Podopytnoye chelovechestvo [humanity guinea pigs], Naden’te maski! My na maskaradye [Put on your masks! We are at a masquerade],V epokhu samoizolyatsii [In the epoch of self-isolation], Fevral’. Bliny. Coronavirus [February. Pancakes. Coronavirus], Ian E. Probstein (Poem)


Elipsis: A selection of poems in Russian. Elipsis [Mnogotochya], “I looked closely around” [Ia osmotrelsya vnimatel’no vokrug], “Only Goddesses Mnemosyne and Clio” [Tol’ko bogini Mnemozina i Klio], Surplus of Being [Izbytok bytiya], “We cautuously go along a hidden edge” [My prohodim po kromke ukromnoi ukradkoi], “Rhe Word came unto me. I did not discern” [Mnye bylo Slovo. Ia ne razobral], “Everything warmed up: a tea in a cup” [Vsyo poteplelo: tchai v stakanye], “We are wearied and exhausted by May” [Iznyvayem i mayemsq mayem], “Strange things are happening, really” [Strannye v samom dele], Ian E. Probstein (Poem)

Izbytok Bytiya [A Surplus of Being], Ian E. Probstein (Book)

Komedianty [Comedians], Ian E. Probstein (Poem)


Louise Glück: Mythological Feminism and an Attempt to Overcome Antagonism, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

On the Nobel Prize 2020 Winner: Strength and Weakness of Louise Glück, Ian E. Probstein (Article)


Pamyati Evgeniya Vitkovskovskogo [In memoriam Eugene Wittkovsky], an outstanding Russian writer, translator, and poet, Ian E. Probstein (Poem)


Poems in Russian: “October has already stepped,” “All utopians are drowned,” “We are all latent carriers,” “Idealist Oscar Wilde once said,” “People choose their ruler,” “Variations on a Theme,” “We are short of breath and spirit,” “The minds are overwhelmed with doubt and tumult.”, Ian E. Probstein (Poem)


Put on Masks: A selection of poems in Russian. Naden’te maski! My na maskaradye [Put on your masks! We are at a masquerade], We are all crowned [My otnyne vse koronovany], “As if from Milk-ness” [Kak budto iz mlechnosti], ”We would doubtly die of boredom” [Vryad li my umryom ot skuki], Komendantskii chas [Curfew], “Don’t make a mistake: don’t go to social media” [Ne sovershai oshibku, ne lez’ v social’nyie seti], “We are not in hell yet, we are just at the threshold of hell” [My yeshcho ne v adu, my tol’ko v predverii ada], “Atlantis” [Atlantida], “Heat. July. Corovirus” [Zhara. Iyul. Koronavirus], “ We are seeking winf in an open field” [My ishchem vetra v histom pole], Ian E. Probstein (Poem)


The Impact of Whitman on Contemporary American Poetry, Ian E. Probstein (Article)


The Poetry and Poetics of Olga Sedakova: Origins, Philosophies, Points of Contention, Ian E. Probstein (Article)

To the 190th birth anniversary of Emily Dickinson: Certificate for Immortality, Ian E. Probstein (Poem)


T. S. Eliot’s Discovery of the “Old World” 1910–1922, Ian E. Probstein (Article)


Translation into Russian of the contemporary American poet Jerome Rothenberg’s (b. 1931) poem “The Burning Babe” dedicated to the Holocaust, Jerome Rothenberg and Ian E. Probstein (Poem)


Translation into Russian of Robert Southwell’s (1561?-1591) “The Burning Babe”, Robert Southwell and Ian E. Probstein (Poem)