
Submissions from 2019

Code 10:13 Who Helps the Helpers: Preventing and Treating Compassion Fatigue for First responders, Shoshanah Findling (Presentation)

Resilience Film Screening and Workshop Trauma Informed Responsive Education for Educators and Families, Shoshanah Findling (Presentation)

Resilience: Raising Teacher Awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Its Impact on Learning, Shoshanah Findling (Presentation)

The Art of Uncertainty, Shoshanah Findling (Presentation)

Who Helps the Helpers: A Guide for Educators to Prevent Compassion Fatigue, Shoshanah Findling (Presentation)

Who Helps the Helpers: A Guide for Educators to Prevent Compassion Fatigue, Shoshanah Findling (Presentation)


Hope, Jeffrey Fisher (Poem)

MLB, Jeffrey Fisher (Poem)

Mountains, Jeffrey Fisher (Poem)


Stalling for Life, Jeffrey Fisher (Poem)


Urbana, Jeffrey Fisher (Poem)

Self-efficacy beliefs and academic procrastination, Meir Graff (Article)

Academic Musician Project, Roslyn Haber (Presentation)

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Supporting Children and Families, Jennifer Johnson (Presentation)


Vygotskian Approach to Instruction: Practical Applications Around the Globe, Yuriy V. Karpov and Alex Kozulin (Article)


“It's All Possible”: Urban Educators' Perspectives on Creating a Culturally Relevant, Schoolwide, College-Going Culture for Black and Latino Male Students:, Michelle G. Knight-Manuel, Joanne E. Marciano, Michael Wilson, Iesha Jackson, Laura Vernikoff, Kelly Gavin Zuckerman, and Vaughn W. M. Watson (Article)


Learning to Reflect: Teachers' Mastery and Development of Mediational Means and Psychological Tools of Reflective Practice, Elina Lampert-Shepel and Colette Murphy (Article)

Making a Collaborative Poster as a Scaffolding Process for Professional Learning and Performance Improvement, Vera Leykina (Presentation)

Social and Philosophical Dimensions in Counselor Training for Perspective Taking and Empathic Understanding, Yair Maman (Presentation)

Embracing Tolerance Through Literature, Film and Documentary: Holocaust, Slavery, Civil Rights and the Irish Potato Famine, Marlyn Press (Presentation)

Focus on Contemporary Tools and Resources for Speech-Language Pathologists, Isabella K. Reichel, Steven Blaustein, Rosalie Unterman, and France Weill (Presentation)


The Role of Academic Leaders as Instructional Supervisors, Alan Sebel (Article)


The Role of Academic Leaders as Instructional Supervisors, Alan Sebel (Article)

Students with Mathematics Learning Disabilities should have Access to Quality Mathematics Instruction, Brenda C. Strassfeld and Sridhar Nagubandi (Presentation)

A Method to Predict Students' Success in Distance Online Courses, Anna Toom (Presentation)


A Method to Predict Students’ Success in Distance Online Courses, Anna Toom (Presentation)


A Study of University Students' Cognitive Competence in Performing the Learning Assignments: Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Approach, Anna Toom and Natalia Inshakova (Article)

Building Social Capital for Parents and Families Through School Leadership, Roberto Trigosso, Phyllis F. Reggio, Carlos R. McCray, R. D. Bartee, and P. L. George (Book Chapter)


State of the State 2018 finances: New York, Osnat Zaken (Article)

State of the States, Osnat Zaken (Presentation)

Submissions from 2018

Influencing Policy and Practice with the Professional Standards & Practices Board (PSPB) for Teaching with Washington Week/Day on the Hill Updates, April Bedford, Kate DaBoll-Lavoie, Joanna Masingila, and Jacob Easley II (Presentation)

Safe Spaces and Education Policies, Timothy Bellavia (Presentation)


We Are All The Same Inside Curriculum: Activities, Stories, Doll Patterns and More!, Timothy Bellavia (Book)

Young Academic Music: Using Music (and Dolls) to Teach Math, Timothy Bellavia, Roslyn Haber, and Susan Courey (Presentation)

Grit and Mindset: 7 Ways to Engage your Teaching Candidates on Their edTPA, Timothy Bellavia and Brenda C. Strassfeld (Presentation)

Vygotsky in Harlem: Amplification of Preschoolers' Development in Vygotskian Early Childhood Education Program (VECEP), Vera Brofman, Inna Rabinovitch, and Yuriy Karpov (Book Chapter)

English/Spanish Translation and Interpretation Challenges, Lucia Buttaro (Presentation)

ENL Strategies for the Mainstream Classroom Teacher, Lucia Buttaro (Presentation)

Spanish Literacy Instruction: Dual Language Programs and Developing Word Knowledge and Vocabulary, Lucia Buttaro (Presentation)

Strengthening Candidate Comprehension and Creation of Artifacts and Commentary Responses: Special Education and Mathematics Handbook, Yvette Colon and Brenda C. Strassfeld (Presentation)

Explaining Special Needs to Others (Grandparents and Caregivers), Susan Courey and Roslyn Haber (Presentation)

Key-note Presentation for the International Academic Association in Humanities, IT, Engineering, and Science, Jasmin B. Cowin (Presentation)


Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Winter University 2018 University of Tomorrow: Innovative Pedagogy and Methodology, Jasmin B. Cowin (Article)

District-University Partnerships to Improve Clinical Practice for Teacher Candidates, Nancy Dubetz, Marcella Bullmaster-Day, and Susan Courey (Presentation)


A Way Forward Toward Professionalizing Teacher Education: A Response to the AASCU Teacher Education Task Force Survey, Jacob Easley II (Article)

The Fiduciaries, Jeffrey Fisher (Book)


Consulting and Executive Coaching on Future Trends: The Need for a Long Term Vision with Apple and Samsung, Jefferey Gardere, Dan Sharir, and Yair Maman (Article)

Math Using Music for Challenged Students, Roslyn Haber (Presentation)

Acquisition of Scientific Concepts as the Content of School Instruction, Yuriy Karpov (Book Chapter)

The Use of Systematic Formation of Mental Actions to Educate American Students, Yuriy Karpov (Presentation)

Vygotsky’s Education for Teachers and Parents: Neo-Vygotskian Child Development Theory, Yuriy Karpov (Book)


Empathizing-Systemizing Cognitive Styles: Effects of Sex and Academic Degree, Rachel Kidron, Leon Kaganovskiy, and Simon Baron-Cohen (Article)

New DEEL (Democratic Ethical Educational Leadership) Mentorship, Susan Shapiro (Presentation)

Leveling the Playing Field: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and the edTPA, Susan Shapiro and Timothy Bellavia (Presentation)

The New York State Education Department’s Educator Item Review Meeting in Support of Future New York State Grades 3-8 Mathematics tests, Brenda C. Strassfeld (Presentation)

The NYSTCE Multi-Subject Test: Teachers of Childhood (Grade 1–Grade 6) Mathematics Practice Test Item Review, Brenda C. Strassfeld (Presentation)


Skills of Analyzing and Synthesizing Textual Information in University Students: Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Approach, Anna Toom (Conference Proceeding)

Skills of Analyzing and Synthesizing Textual Information in University Students: Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Approach, Anna Toom (Presentation)


Democratic Citizenship Education and Inclusion: Preparing Preservice Teachers for Inclusive Social Studies., Dennis Urban (Article)


Portrayals of American Slavery in Film: A Study of Gone with the Wind, Roots, and Unchained Memories, Dennis Urban (Book Chapter)

Does Compliance Matter in Special Education? IDEA and the Hidden Inequities of Practice, Catherine M. Voulgarides (Book)

Racial Disproportionality in Special Education: Moving Away From Legal Compliance Toward Culturally Responsive, Systemic, and Transformational Leadership, Catherine M. Voulgarides (Book Chapter)

New York, Osnat Zaken (Article)

Submissions from 2017


Colleges Must Work with K-12 Schools, Nearby Communities to Combat Gangs, Vincent DiGaetano, Jay Findling, and Shoshanah Findling (Article)


How to Handle Gangs on College Campuses, Jay Findling, Vincent DiGaetano, and Shoshanah Findling (Article)


Real-World Solutions to Gangs on College Campuses, Jay Findling, Vincent DiGaetano, and Shoshanah Findling (Article)

Debatable, Jeffrey Fisher (Book)

Happy Holidays, Jeffrey Fisher (Book)


E-Mental Health and Counselor Training, Jeffrey Gardere, Dan Sharir, and Yair Maman (Article)


Comparing and Ordering Fractions, Kenneth Horwitz and Suzanna Schmeelk (Book Chapter)

The Mozart of Psychology: Lev S. Vygotsky, 1896-1934, Yuriy Karpov (Article)


Visual Training Improves Perceptual Grouping Based on Basic Stimulus Features, Daniel D. Kurylo, Richard Waxman, Rachel Kidron, and Steven M. Silverstein (Article)


Diversity and Inclusion: Realizing the Heteroglossic Potential in Young People’s Philosophical Inquiry, Ching-Ching Lin (Book Chapter)


Inviting Diverse Participation: The Role of Student-Generated Questions in Classroom Collaborative Inquiry, Ching-Ching Lin (Article)


Inclusion, Diversity, and Intercultural Dialogue in Young People's Philosophical Inquiry, Ching-Ching Lin and Lavina Sequeira (Book)


Constructing a Sense of Story: One Block at a Time, Joanne M. Robertson-Eletto, Smita Guha, and Marina Marinelli (Article)


From Rod Models to Line Segments, Suzanna Schmeelk (Book Chapter)


Lesson Learned—Lesson Shared: Give It a Dignified 24 Hours, Alan Sebel (Article)


A Model of Effective Teaching in Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, Khazima Tahir, Hamid Ikram, Jennifer Economos, Elsa-Sophia Morote, and Albert Inserra (Article)

Discussing Standards: A Dialogic Analysis of the NYS Social Studies Framework, Dennis Urban and Elina Lampert-Shepel (Book Chapter)


Pursuing Equity: Disproportionality in Special Education and the Reframing of Technical Solutions to Address Systemic Inequities, Catherine K. Voulgarides, Edward Fergus, and Kathleen A. King Thorius (Article)


New York, Osnat Zaken (Article)

Submissions from 2016


Experimenting with Digital Badges in an Online Graduate Education Course, Laurie Bobley and Ruth A. Best (Conference Proceeding)


Using Screen Recording Tools to Increase Instructor Presence in Online Courses, Laurie Bobley and Alan Sebel (Conference Proceeding)


Which Matters Most? Perceptions of Family Income or Parental Education on Academic Achievement, Jennifer Chiu, Jennifer Economos, Craig Markson, Vincent Raicovi, Cheryl Howell, Elsa-Sofia Morote, and Albert Inserra (Article)

Branches of a Rock, Jeffrey Fisher (Book)

Our City, Jeffrey Fisher (Book)


Apple’s Financial Growth and Corporate Social Responsibility in E-Mental Health Ventures, Yair Maman, Jeffrey Gardere, and Dan Sharir (Article)


Geophysical Evidence for Mesozoic Syn-rift Salt Diapirism in Southeast Bahamas, Allan Spector, Samuel A. Epstein, and David Schieck (Article)

Submissions from 2015

Educating Inclusively: Assessment and Instructional Strategies, Shu Jen Chen-Worley (Book)


Understanding How to Nurture Creativity, Shu Jen Chen-Worley (Conference Proceeding)

Private Clients, Jeffrey Fisher (Book)


Technology and Media for Character Development and Career Readiness: The S.T.E.A.M-based A.C.H.I.E.V.E. Model, Jeffrey Gardere, Dan Sharir, and Yair Maman (Article)


Neo-Vygotskian Developmental Theory, Yuriy Karpov (Book Chapter)


School and Community Relations for Prosocial Behaviors, Character Building and Academic Achievement, Yair Maman, Dan Sharir, and Jeffrey Gardere (Article)

The Future of Mentoring: Strengthening Sustainability Through a Humanistic Approach, Samuel Thomas Martin, Phyllis F. Reggio, and Carlos McCray (Book Chapter)


A Study of Students’ Orientation in the Virtual Classroom, Anna Toom (Conference Proceeding)


Issues of Online Distance Education: Learning Motivation of Current and Prospective School Teachers, Anna Toom (Conference Proceeding)


Students-Enthusiasts in Online Classes: Their Contribution To the Educational Process, Anna Toom (Article)

Teaching Leo Vygotsky’s Theory of Sociocultural Development with the Use of Literature and Information Technology, Anna Toom (Conference Proceeding)