
Submissions from 2022


Where We Are and Where We Ought to Be: The Need for Research-Based Assessments for Dual Language Immersion Learners, Patrick Thane, Michele Goldin, Abril Jimenez, Esther Hur, Julio Cesar Lopez Otero, and Jennifer Austin (Article)


Where Is Antisemitism in Teacher Preparation? An Exploration of the Perspectives and Practices of Equity-Oriented Teacher Educators, Laura Vernikoff, J.K. Morvay, and J. Kolman (Article)


Community Asset Mapping and Linguistically Diverse Learners, J. Zurschmiede and Jasmin B. Cowin (Book Chapter)

Submissions from 2021


Sustaining a Vision to Reclaim Educational Reform, J. Antoni, T.J. Conroy, K.A. Peters, Susan H. Shapiro, A. Yelman, and S.J. Gross (Book Chapter)


Universal Design: Creating Inclusive Hybrid and Online Learning Environments, Ruth Best (Presentation)


Building the Culture of Inquiry-Based Data Use: Program Quality Continuous Improvement Project, Ruth Best and Elina Lampert-Shepel (Presentation)


Jumpstarting Leadership Development: One Approach, Laurie Bobley (Presentation)


Teacher Preparation during COVID-19: A Shift from Face-to-Face to Remote Field Experiences and Student Teaching, Laurie Bobley and Ruth Best (Presentation)


Teacher Preparation during COVID-19: A Shift from Face-to- Face to Remote Field Experiences and Student Teaching, Laurie Bobley and Ruth A. Best (Conference Proceeding)

Jumpstarting Leadership Development (TCALM), Laurie Bobley, Sabra Brock, and Alan Sebel (Article)


The Impact of Virtual/Remote Experiences on Candidate Success in Student Teaching, Laurie Bobley, Inna Rabinovitch, and Ruth Best (Presentation)


Feedback in Online Courses: An Essential Instructional Practice, Laurie Bobley and Alan Sebel (Article)

More heads are better than one: Collaboration in online courses, Laurie Bobley and Alan Sebel (Presentation)


Understanding Differences with Big "I" and Small "i" Self-Concepts as Effective Practice for Leadership, Inclusion, and Equity, Shu J. Chen-Worley (Article)

Confrontation: Expanding national and international policies, Shu Jen Chen-Worley (Presentation)

Finding Linguistic Justice in Teacher Education, Shu Jen Chen-Worley (Presentation)


Promoting Resilience and Social-Emotional Well-Being Among Educators: Organizational and Individual Strategies for Mitigating Stress and Trauma, Velma L. Cobb (Book Chapter)


The Intelligence Concept and Racial Classification as Sociological Products of Western Education, William S. Cook (Article)

Cultural Pedagogy As A Tool For Understanding And Collaboration., Susan Courey and Susan Shapiro (Presentation)

Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality Digital Technologies, and Blockchain: Education in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Jasmin B. Cowin (Presentation)

Connection, Innovation, Collaboration: Language Education for a Connected World, Jasmin B. Cowin (Presentation)


Digital Worlds and Transformative Learning: Google Expeditions, Google Arts and Culture, and the Merge Cube, Jasmin B. Cowin (Presentation)


Education and Globalization: Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality Digital Technologies, and Distributed Ledger Technology Networks, Jasmin B. Cowin (Conference Proceeding)


The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Technology and Education, Jasmin B. Cowin (Article)


The Pedagogy & Language Enrichment Technology Wheel Multimodal and Multiliteracy Perspectives, Jasmin B. Cowin (Article)


Language Acquisition in Virtual Worlds Versus Traditional Classroom Environments: A Comparative Overview Between the United States and Russia, Jasmin B. Cowin, Dana S. Saulembekova, Natalya V. Sukhova, Tatiana Dubrovskaya, and Yulia A. Lobina (Book Chapter)


Crossing the Rubicon: Education Trends in a Hyperconnected World, Jasmin B. Cowin and D.S. Saulembekova (Conference Proceeding)


School Effectiveness in U.S. Amid Crisis: Moral Capacity Building for Social Justice Leadership, Jacob Easley, K. White-Smith, Nilda Soto-Ruiz, R. Normand, L. Moos, M. Liu, and P. Tulowitzki (Book Chapter)


The Visitor, Jeffrey Fisher (Poem)

The Year Everyone Grew Older, Jeffrey Fisher (Poem)


The Year Everyone Grew Older, Jeffrey Fisher and Felipe Leal Valentim (Poem)


Language Activation in Dual Language Schools: The Development of Subject-Verb Agreement in the English and Spanish of Heritage Speaker Children, Michele Goldin (Article)


Perspective-Taking with Deictic Motion Verbs in Spanish: What We Learn About Semantics and the Lexicon From Heritage Child Speakers and Adults, Michele Goldin, K. Syrett, and L. Sanchez (Article)


Development of Beginning Teachers as Agents of Reflexive Praxis, Elina Lampert-Shepel, Sharon Sullivan-Rubin, and Inna Rabinovitch (Presentation)


Teacher Learning to Craft a Vision of Reflexive Praxis, Elina Lampert-Shepel, Sharon Sullivan-Rubin, Inna Rabinovitch, L. Wellner, and K. Pierce-Friedman (Book Chapter)


Using Virtual Exchange to Foster Global Competence and Collaborative Leadership in Teacher Education, Ching-Ching Lin (Article)


Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions Toward Global Learning Experience: Implications for Teacher Intercultural Competency Development, Ching-Ching Lin and K. Kapur (Article)


Privacy versus Safety, Hollie J. Mackey, Liza Meiris, Addie Daniels-Lane, Tara H. Collice, Stormy Stark, Susan H. Shapiro, J.P. Shapiro, and J.S. Stefkovich (Book Chapter)


What Makes Teacher Preparation Legitimate? An Analysis of Teacher Residency Websites, E.M. Reagan, J. Ahn, R. Roegman, and Laura Vernikoff (Article)

Jumpstarting Leadership Development: One Approach, Alan Sebel (Presentation)

Seeking Reb Shlomo: A Book of Stories, Questions, Searching and Learning, Alan Sebel (Book)

Early Childhood Leadership and Lockdowns with Diverse Populations, Susan Shapiro (Presentation)

Implications of International Research in Early Childhood Intervention, Susan Shapiro (Presentation)


Ethical Choices in an Era of Increasing Religious Intolerance: Anti-Semitism in Higher Education, Susan H. Shapiro (Article)


Perspectives From Teachers in a Literacy Education Program About Incorporating VoiceThread Into Their Teaching, Sheldon Shuch, George Gross, and Mary Esposito (Article)


Reflections on Defining Multicultural Education for School Reform, Elias Tavares and Jasmin B. Cowin (Article)


Disabling the School-to-Prison Pipeline: The Relationship Between Special Education and Arrest, Laura Vernikoff (Book)


Personal Codes versus Professional Codes, Deborah Weaver, William W. Watts, Patricia A. Maloney, Susan H. Shapiro, James F. Montgomery, Taryn J. Conroy, Toni Faddis, J.P. Shapiro, and J.S. Stefkovich (Book Chapter)

Economics and Finance of Education, Osnat Zaken (Presentation)

Funding Education: The Case of NY State, Osnat Zaken (Presentation)

The State of the State: NYS, Osnat Zaken (Presentation)

Submissions from 2020

Reflections on Clinical Practice: University Supervisors' Resiliency Amidst School Closures During the 2020 Pandemic, Ruth Best, Inna Rabinovitch, Simon Quattlebaum, and Tameka Moore-Stuht (Presentation)


Leadership Development: One College’s Solution, Laurie Bobley and Alan Sebel (Article)


Vygotskian preschool education: Promoting the development of self-regulation and symbolic thought in pre-K children, Vera Brofman, Yuriy V. Karpov, and Inna Rabinovitch (Article)


Bridging the Ivory Tower: Culturally Responsive Education Connects Content to People, Velma Cobb (Book Chapter)


Building Resilience to Support Ourselves, Others, and Our Students. Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning, Velma Cobb (Presentation)

Readiness for Restorative Practices., Velma Cobb (Presentation)

Sheltered English Instruction (SEI) Training of Trainers, Velma Cobb (Presentation)

Helping to Explain Disabilities to Grandparents, Caregivers, and Siblings, Susan Courey and Roslyn Haber (Presentation)


Access and equity: Computers for schools Burundi, Jasmin B. Cowin (Article)


Access and Equity: Computers for Schools Burundi, Jasmin B. Cowin (Article)

Augmented Reality: The Merge Cube and Google Expeditions, Jasmin B. Cowin (Presentation)

Computers for Schools Burundi: An International Collaboration, Jasmin B. Cowin (Poster)


Digital Worlds and Transformative Learning: Google Expeditions, Google Arts and Culture, and the Merge Cube, Jasmin B. Cowin (Article)

Digital Worlds and Transformative Learning: Google Expeditions, Google Arts and Culture, and the Merge Cube, Jasmin B. Cowin (Article)

simSchool's Simulation-Based Learning Environment: A Training Tool for TESOL Teacher Candidates, Jasmin B. Cowin (Article)


simSchool’s Simulation-Based Learning Environment: A Training Tool for TESOL Teacher Candidates, Jasmin B. Cowin (Article)

Simulation-Based Learning Environments, Jasmin B. Cowin (Poster)

Covid Creations: The Art of Uncertainty, Shoshanah Findling (Article)


Waves, Jeffrey Fisher (Poem)


Waves, Jeffrey Fisher (Poem)


“If I spent five hours giving birth then I can do this final:” A qualitative investigation of college students with children, Emily Hotez, Helen Lin, Vicky Chan, Jalessa Felix, Aaishah Francis, Denise Giacinto, Gina Mitchell, and Farzanah Siddique (Article)


Vygotskian Theory of Development, Yuriy V. Karpov (Book Chapter)


Reimagining social justice-oriented teacher preparation in current sociopolitical contexts, Rachel Roegman, Emilie Mitescu Reagan, A. Lin Goodwin, Crystal Chen Lee, and Laura Vernikoff (Article)

Classroom Management in a Virtual World, Franklin Schindelheim (Presentation)

Case Study: We've Been Here 70 Years, We Aren't Going Anywhere; Change Vs. Stagnation, Susan H. Shapiro and S. J. Gross (Book Chapter)

Mathematical Learning Disabilities: Fact or Fiction, Brenda C. Strassfeld (Presentation)


Failure to Observe the Rules of Citation by University Students as a Problem of Academic Ethics: Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Approach, Anna Toom, Natalia Inshakova, and Bernard Montoneri (Book Chapter)

#sschatreads: Creating a Twitter Book Club for Social Studies Teachers, Dennis Urban, Isabel Morales, and Kathryn Kennedy (Article)


Teacher Perceptions and Education Practice for English Language Learners, Shu Worely (Chen-Worley) (Article)

State of the States: New York, Osnat Zaken (Presentation)

State of the States: New York State, Osnat Zaken (Article)

Submissions from 2019


'MusiMath' and 'Academic Music' - Two music-based intervention programs for fractions learning in fourth grade students, Libby Azaryahu, Susan Joan Courey, Rivka Elkoshi, and Esther Adi-Japha (Article)

Panel on the EDTPA, Timothy Bellavia (Presentation)

Academic Musicians, a Program Teaching Math Through Music/Coding to Autistic Children, Timothy Bellavia, Roslyn Haber, and Susan Courey (Presentation)

Academic Musicians: A Program Teaching Math Through Music/Coding to Autistic Children, Timothy Bellavia, Roslyn Haber, and Susan Courey (Presentation)

Applying Universal Instructional Design (UID) Principles to Address Quality Matters Standard 8 and the Higher Education Opportunity Act 2008, Ruth Best (Presentation)

Training the Next Generation of Geriatric Social Workers: Two Graduate Program Models, Susan Brot (Presentation)

Challenges in Dual Language Programs, Lucia Buttaro (Presentation)

Teacher Perceptions and Education Practice for English Language Learners., Shu Jen Chen-Worley (Presentation)

Using Music to Promote Inclusion, Creativity, and Literacy Learning, Shu Jen Chen-Worley (Presentation)


Being in School Transformation: Toward Equity and Social Justice, Velma Cobb (Book Chapter)


Social Justice Applications and the African American Liberation Tradition, William S. Cook (Article)

Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform) Comes to New York, Susan Courey (Presentation)

Parent Advocacy, Susan Courey (Presentation)

Teaching Children with Autism: Evidence from Families and Research, Susan Courey (Presentation)

Tourette’s, Susan Courey (Presentation)

How to Advocate for Your Child, Susan Courey and Roslyn Haber (Presentation)


View of A Way Forward Toward Professionalizing Teacher Education: A response to the AASCU Teacher Education Task Force Survey, Jacob Easley II (Article)

Building Resilience in our Schools for Educators and Families, Shoshanah Findling (Presentation)