Submissions from 2017
Working Conditions for K-12 Distance & Online Learning Teachers in Canada, Michael K. Barbour (Article)
SITE Joint SIG Symposia: A Collaboration Between the K-12 Online Learning SIG and Distance Learning SIG: How Higher Education and K-12 Online Learning Research Can Impact Each Other, Rick Ferdig, Leanna Archambault, Kerry Rice, Margaret Niess, Trisha Litz, Amy Garrett-Dikkers, and Michael K. Barbour (Conference Proceeding)
K12 Online and Blended Learning: Current Research and Challenges into Implementation and Teacher Education, Brianne Jackson, Michael K. Barbour, Rebecca Parks, and Kathryn Kennedy (Conference Proceeding)
CoOL or Not coOL? Learning an Asian Language Online in the Context of Communities of Online Learning, Constanza Tolosa, Martin East, Michael K. Barbour, and Hazel Owen (Article)
Submissions from 2016
Building Better Courses: Examining the Content Validity of the iNACOL National Standards for Quality Online Courses, David Adelstein and Michael K. Barbour (Article)
Virtual Education: Not Yet Ready for Prime Time?, Michael K. Barbour (Book Chapter)
Cases of Quality: Case Studies of the Approval and Evaluation of K-12 Online and Blended Providers, Michael K. Barbour and Tom Clark (Conference Proceeding)
Evaluation and Approval Constructs For K-12 Online and Blended Courses and Providers, Michael K. Barbour, Tom Clark, Kristen DeBruler, and Justin Bruno (Article)
Primary and Secondary Virtual Learning in New Zealand: Examining Barriers to Achieving Maturity, Michael K. Barbour, Niki Davis, and Derek Wenmoth (Article)
Teachers' Perceptions of K-12 Online: Impacting the Design of a Graduate Course Curriculum, Michael K. Barbour and Kelly Unger Harrison (Article)
Career Planning with Careerforward: Exploring Student Perceptions and Experiences in an Online Career Preparation Course, Michael K. Barbour, Minakshi Lahiri, Sacip Toker, and Kelly Unger Harrison (Article)
The Straight Truth about Online Learning in the Straits: An Investigation into the Nature of Education in a Rural and Remote Region of Newfoundland and Labrador, Dennis Mulcahy, Michael K. Barbour, and Minakshi Lahiri (Article)
One Educator's Invitational Journey in Higher Education and Beyond, Jim O'Connor (Book Chapter)
Exploring the Group Processes, Dynamics, and Individual and Collective Experiences of Academically At-Risk, Adolescent Latino Males, Louise J. Santiago (Dissertation)
Building a Better Mousetrap: How Design-Based Research Was Used to Improve Homemade PowerPoint Games, Jason Paul Siko and Michael K. Barbour (Article)
Case Studies in Applied Behavior Analysis for Students and Adults with Disabilities, Keith Storey and Linda K. Haymes (Book)
Submissions from 2015
Social Media in Secondary School Settings, Michael K. Barbour (Book Chapter)
Innovative Public Education or Glorified Homeschooling: Funding Full-Time K-12 Online Learning, Michael K. Barbour (Conference Proceeding)
Real-Time Virtual Teaching: Lessons Learned From a Case Study in a Rural School, Michael K. Barbour (Article)
The Disconnect Between Policy and Research: Examining the Research into Full-Time K-12 Online Learning, Michael K. Barbour (Conference Proceeding)
State of the Nation: K-12 E-Learning in Canada, Michael K. Barbour and Randy LaBonte (Article)
Online, Blended, and Distance Education: Building Successful School Programs, Tom Clark and Michael K. Barbour (Book)
A Department Wide Focus on Scholarly Research in Educational Leadership, Maureen Fitzpatrick, Mary E. Yakimowski, Randall G. Glading, Michael K. Barbour, Ann Clark, Thomas Forget, and Karen C. Waters (Poster)
Introduction, Anissa Lokey-Vega and Michael K. Barbour (Editorial)
The Sum Is Greater Than the Parts: Deconstructing Homemade PowerPoint Games, Jason Paul Siko and Michael K. Barbour (Article)